Segment One for EuroTrip includes the six steps listed below. Please use (and fill out) your “Segment One Worksheet” while you are working through this entire project segment. This section is the basic foundation of this entire experience and will “set the tone” for the final product.

Getting Started…
#1 - Segment One Worksheet (Get from Geo Teaacher)
Worksheet Link
#2 - Set up “Project Google Doc” and share with partner…this is a storage document that will be used to “cut & paste” from in the future creation portion of this project. Name of Doc = Europe Trip/City Name
*FYI - Departure Date for ALL EuroTrips is Friday, June 20th, 2025


Which European City are you choosing to study? AND…Who is your partner?  Please remember your GRADE depends on how well (or not so well) you and your partners work together!  (Limit of 2 students per group…zero chance of working in a group of 3)
Note: you are very welcome to work alone on this project
Segment One Worksheet -
1) Full Partner Names
2) City Name
3) Country it is located in
Project Google Doc -
1) Full Partner Names
2) City Name


The Basics of your city…Demographics! (Simply list and/or explain)
Segment One Worksheet -
1) Population of City and Country
2) Language or Languages Spoken
3) Currency Name & Exchange Rate with US Dollar: ONLINE Currency Converter
4) How to say/write Popular Phrases: Hello, Goodbye, Thank You & Where is a Restroom?
5) Typical Weather of City: Quick summary of what the traveler should expect in the summer!
*FYI - Departure Date for ALL EuroTrips is Friday, June 21st, 2024

Project Google Doc -



What are THE TOP TEN “Sights to See” or “MUST do Activities” within your city…why should someone travel here? Examples Include: Landmarks, Museums, Boat Tours, Bike Tours, Hikes/Walks, Shopping Districts, Greatest Places, Gardens, Zoos, Buildings, Famous Restaurants, Stadiums, Theaters, Events, History, Culture, Government Buildings, Rivers, Lakes, History…examples of places to visit are endless and should reflect your own interests/needs.
Note: You are allowed to travel up to 75 miles from the city center to visit places
Segment One Worksheet -
1) Name of Place/Activity/Experience (List your Top 10)
2) Costs Associated with Activity/Experience (Please include price on Top Ten List)
Project Google Doc -
1) Name & Location of Activity: Physical Address or Location
2) Website Link for Location: If it has a website!?!

Helpful Google Search Phrases…
#1 - Top Tourist Attractions in _________ (City Name)
#2 - What to do in ___________
#3 - What to see in ____________
#4 - What is ___________ famous for?
#5 - Famous “Museums, Restaurants, Parks, Hikes, Tours, Experiences” in __________


Getting to Europe…book your flight! Please use and book your ROUND TRIP Flight for 2 travelers to your European city. Please note that EVERYONE is using Friday, June 20th, 2025 as their departure day from MN. Please note that this is a 5 day experience, which includes 4 nights in a hotel and 3 FULL days to enjoy your chosen city.
Segment One Worksheet -
1) ALL Airport Names & Codes: ex/ Minneapolis/St.Paul = MSP
2) Do you have any Layovers? (Define Layover)
3) Total Cost per Travelers (remember to book 2 flights)
4) ALL Departures/Arrival Times (including layovers)
5) Carrier Name: ex/ what company or companies are you flying with? ex/ Delta
Project Google Doc -
”Cut & Paste” all Flight info into Google Doc
FYI - there are A TON of steps when choosing flights..once you have decided on the perfect flight times/departures…COPY & PASTE ALL flight info…you will never “find it” again!!

Tutorial Videos EuroTrip Flights:
#1 - Booking Flights on
#2 - Copy/Paste your Flight info for your Project


Lodging…travel lingo for “Hotel Stay”! Please book your hotel stay for your Europe City adventure using Expedia. Remember, you need 4 nights at a hotel within your city & (HINT HINT) don’t just take the cheapest or one near the airport…look at Google Maps and get one near the “City Center” so logistically the rest of your adventure is a bit easier for travelers!
Note: we will book hotels using & your first night will probably be either June 21st or June 22nd, which will depend on when your flight lands.
Segment One Worksheet -
Name of Hotel
2) Cost of Hotel Per Night & Total Stay
3) Airport Transfer How are you getting to & from your Hotel from Airport?
4) Cost of Airport Transfer
5) Hotel Amenities What does your hotel offer the weary traveler? ex/ Pool?
Project Google Doc -
1) Name of Hotel
2) Address of Hotel
3)Hotel Website Link


Movement through your city…the point of this trip is to GET OUT and EXPERIENCE your European city…a cultural experience. This means the MAIN source of transportation is walking….we are walking everywhere! Using Google Maps, please map out the distances from your Hotel to each of you 10 “Must see/do” Places. It would be nice to list BOTH the distance in miles and the approximate walking time it will take a traveler.
Note: Google Maps can be changed to “walking” directions and should give you the distances/time to walk
Project Google Doc -
List all Distances & Walking Time from Hotel to Locations

Buuuutttt…I want to travel to a location just outside the city or I don’t have enough time to walk in order to get to a location…well feel free to figure out how to ride a bus, subway, uber, train…it is just a bit more work on your part. You can do anything for this travel project, if you can figure it out….sky is the limit!

EuroTrip Tutorial for Google Walking Directions:
Google Walking Directions


The Packing List…what do your travelers need to pack in their suitcases in order to help them comfortably enjoy their city adventure? Please include a list for both a Male and a Female who might be traveling on this trip. DON’T FORGET A PASSPORT
Note: this should be an EXACT list…how many pairs of socks, toothpaste, earbuds, adapter etc…
Project Google Doc -
Packing List Male:
Packing List Female:

End of Segment #1…please make sure BOTH your Segment One Worksheet is completed AND your Segment #1 Google Doc link has been shared with both your Geography Teacher and both group members working on this project.