Daily Expectations
The classroom is a professional environment that has basic expectations of everyone who enters. Respect of yourself, your peers, teachers, guests, and the classroom is expected throughout our daily adventures!
Each and everyday the student needs to bring the following things with him/her...
1) writing utensil (suggestion = Black Pen)
2) colored pencils
3) current unit activity packet/maps
4) laptop
Note: students will not have a textbook assigned to them for this class…consider this website as your “text”
Students do choose their own seating arrangement in the Geography classroom. We have a “use it or lose it” policy...so in other words if a student can’t handle themselves they will lose their seating choice!
Note: the new seat assignment will be dictated by Mr. Gilbert
Getting a Grade in World Geography
I am a strong believer that a student earns a grade...a grade in Geo is based not only on scores, but on attitude and responsibility in and around the classroom. I try to emphasize “due dates”, basic preparation, and respect...if a student can handle these 3 principles, their final grades will reflect it. Please familiarize yourself with the details below.
Principle #1
ALL assignments will be turned in on the DUE DATE in order to receive FULL credit. ALL LATE assignments will receive 3/4 credit (25% off), regardless if the particular assignment is a day late or 3 weeks late! (Obviously if a student is absent and the particular absent is “excused”...well then there will be NO reduction of grade for a particular assignment or project)
Principle #2
ALL assignments need to be turned in in order to receive a “Letter” grade (A-D) in World Geography...NO If, Ands, or Buts! (if a student has a or many “missing” assignments at the end of a quarter a student will receive a P “Pass” for the class, if their grade percentage is ABOVE 59.9%)
Principle #3
If a student’s average grade is below 59.9% at the close of a quarter, the student will receive a F “Failing” grade for World Geography.
Principle #4 “Process Grades”
The Attitude/Responsibility Factor...students do not need to pretend that Geography is their favorite thing in the world, nor do they need to deliver an apple to Mr. Gilberts desk everyday! BUT…Students do need to act in a caring manner and be respectfully aware of the classroom setting. This is an 8th grade classroom and a 13/14 year old does realize the difference between respect and disrespect. Waconia Middle School has 3 “process” grades that will appear on the final grade reports for this class. These process grades are 1) Preparedness 2) Engagement & 3) Work Completion/Quality.
Principle #5 “Grading Scale”
Grade Scale Used in World Geography 8...
90 - 100% A
87 - 89% B+
83 - 86% B
80 - 82% B-
77 - 79% C+
73 - 76% C
70 - 72% C-
60 - 69% D
0 - 59.9% F
Principle #5 - “Formative vs. Summative” Grades
In order to balance formative and summative evidence, grades will be calculated based on two categories: Summative Assessments (⪰60%) and Formative Assessments (⪯40%). These will be the categories in Infinite Campus. This balance reflects our school’s emphasis on assigning quarter grades on a majority of summative evidence, so that grades are more indicative of content knowledge, rather than the learning process.
Ex/ Formative = Latin America Political Map Summative = Latin America Political Map Test
Final Draft Quality (FDQ)
Attention Students...please use the Final Draft Quality Checklist prior to turning in projects for World Geography. Being a student is a huge responsibility and putting forth 100% effort in your school work will result in higher quality projects, deeper understanding of classroom topics and better grades. Each and every time you are turning a project I suggest reading through this checklist prior to turning it in. I guarantee that if your project passes each of the checklist items, you will be rewarded for your efforts...Thanks!
Final Draft Quality Checklist...
1) Name (First and Last), Period & Project Due Date Clearly Displayed
2) Paper Free of Eraser/Scribble Marks
3) Hand written items/words are legible (legible = able to read/neat)
4) Project Papers & Materials are clean, crisp & not crumpled or torn
5) Black Ink used whenever possible for final hand written materials
6) Type (Word Process) written materials whenever it is available to you.
7) ALL Grammar and Spelling has been checked
8) Self check ALL project directions and/or guidelines
9) Project is completed
10) The 2nd Opinion - have someone else look over your materials prior to handing in
11) Project is turned in on the DUE DATE...get all your points for you work!
Political and Physical Mapping Check List
Political Maps
_____ ALL Political Features from List have been Located and Labeled Neatly
_____ Political Features have been colored…no two “touching” political boundaries are colored
in the same color
_____ Basic Scale Chart has been added
_____ Map includes a Compass Rose
_____ Neatly Colored using Colored Pencil
_____ Labeling is neat (legible) and is in BLACK ink
Physical Maps
_____ ALL Physical Features from List have been Located and Labeled Neatly
_____ Land Elevation changes throughout map have been colored
_____ ALL Water Features (Rivers, Lakes & Oceans) have been colored blue
_____ Basic Scale Chart has been added
_____ Map includes a Compass Rose
_____ Neatly Colored using Colored Pencil
_____ Labeling is neat (legible) and is in BLACK ink
_____ Map Includes Detailed Key/Legend (includes Mtns, Elevation, Rivers, Water, etc…)
Street Art - Bogota, Columbia
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.”