WEEK Two: March 24th - 28th
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.” - Dr. Seuss
24th Monday -
1) Correct Africa Physical Map Test
2) Hand Back Corrected Work/File Personal Work
3) Apartheid/South Africa Pre-Test (Link sent to Schoology)
4) What is Apartheid Intro Video CLICK HERE
5) Apartheid/South Africa “Vocab/Explain/Significance” Worksheet Handed Out
6) Work Time…Sheet Due Wednesday!
25th Tuesday -
1) TedED Video - South African Apartheid
2) Imperialism/Colonialism Notes & Discussion (Guided Notes Sheet Provided by Teacher)
*quiet individual work time on Notes (Notes sheet due by end of class)
3) Reminder: we do have an Apartheid and South Africa Quiz Fri
4) African Mask Projects Due Tomorrow
26th Wednesday -
1) South Africa/Apartheid “Vocab/Explain/Significance” Worksheet Due
2) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
3) African Mask Projects Due in Class “Show & Tell”
*Reminder BOTH Mask & Black Placard Due 75/25 = 100pts
4) ALL Tri #2 “Beyond the Walls” Brought Home or Thrown
27th Thursday -
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) The Story of Nelson Mandela Video (Link Below)
3) Imperialism/Colonialism Notes Continued (if Needed)
4) South Africa & Apartheid Notes & Discussion (Guided Notes Sheet Provided by Teacher)
28th Friday -
1) Guided Notes Sheets Due (Imperialism/Colonicalisn & South Africa/Apartheid)
2) Apartheid & South Africa Mini-Unit Quiz
2) Review Africa Greatest Places
WEEK THREE: March 31st - April 4th
“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.”
- Malcolm X
30th Monday -
1) Tanzanian Safari Scavenger Hunt (in Activity Packet)
2) Scavenger Hunt Due Tomorrow in Class (excluding Kilimanjaro Imax)
1st Tuesday -
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Tanzanian Safari Scavenger Hunt Due in Class (Gilbert Check)
3) Kilimanjaro Imax Film w/ worksheet
2nd Wednesday -
1) Africa Greatest Places Test
2) Sahel Regional Focus Activity
3) WEBLINK to Sahel Region Activities
3rd Thursday -
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Sahel Activity Sheet Due in Class
3) Intro Africa Culture Exhibit
4) Study Country Lottery
5) Research Day - Begin “Building my African Culture Exhibit” (Schoology Assignment)
6) Africa Culture Exhibit Link
4th Friday -
1) African Culture Exhibit Research Day Africa Culture Exhibit Link
2) Complete “Building my African Culture Exhibit” Worksheet (Schoology Online Assignment)
3) Building African Culture Exhibit due my MIDNIGHT Sunday
WEEK Four: April/Rabīʿ al-Thānī 7th - 11th
“It is in your hands, to make a better world for all who live in it.” - Nelson Mandela
April Calendar Language “Take Over” = Egyptian CLICK HERE To learn more!
1) Create Culture Exhibit Placard (Completed Placard Due Tomorrow)
2) Note: Culture Exhibit Created on backside of African Mask Placard
3) Africa Culture Exhibit Link
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Culture Exhibit Placards Due Africa Culture Exhibit Link
3) Complete “African Culture Exhibit Report” (Schoology Assignment)
4) Report Due by Midnight
Wednesday/El-Arba - Early Release Day
Thursday/El-Khamis -
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
Friday/El-Goma -
WEEK FIVE: April/Rabīʿ al-Thānī 14th - 18th
"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." - Mahatma Gandhi
Monday/El-Itneen -
Tuesday/El-Tlat -
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
Wednesday/El-Arba -
Thursday/El-Khamis -
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
Friday/El-Goma -
WEEK SIX: April/Rabīʿ al-Thānī 21st - 25th
"The purpose of education is to replace an empty mind with an open one." - Malcolm S. Forbes
Monday/El-Itneen - NO School Day
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
Wednesday/El-Arba -
Thursday/El-Khamis -
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
Friday/El-Goma -
WEEK Seven: April/Rabīʿ al-Thānī 28th - may 2nd
"The more you learn, the more you earn." - Warren Buffett
Monday/El-Itneen -
Tuesday/El-Tlat -
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
Wednesday/El-Arba -
Thursday/El-Khamis -
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
Friday/El-Goma -
WEEK Eight: May/“오월” Oh-wol 5th - 9th
“A child without education is like a bird without wings.” - Tibetan Proverb
May Calendar Language “Take Over” = Korean CLICK HERE To learn more!
Monday/Woryoil -
Tuesday/Hwayoil -
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
Wednesday/Suyoil -
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
Friday/Geumyoil -
WEEK Nine: May/“오월” Oh-wol 12th - 16th
“Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress in every society, in every family.” - Kofi Annan
Monday/Woryoil -
Tuesday/Hwayoil -
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
Wednesday/Suyoil -
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
Friday/Geumyoil -
WEEK ten: May/“오월” Oh-wol 19th - 23rd
“Whatever the cost of our libraries, the price is cheap compared to that of an ignorant nation.”
- Walter Cronkite
Monday/Woryoil -
Tuesday/Hwayoil -
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
Wednesday/Suyoil -
1) ALL Tri #3 Beyond the Walls Due
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
Friday/Geumyoil -
WEEK Eleven: May/“오월” Oh-wol 26th - 30th
"Your education is a dress rehearsal for a life that is yours to lead." - Nora Ephron
Monday/Woryoil - NO School/Memorial Day
Tuesday/Hwayoil -
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Greatest Places Final Test
Wednesday/Suyoil -
1) World Map Final Test
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) GeoTerm Final
Friday/Geumyoil -
1) ALL Missing/Late Work from Tri #3 due by 3:15pm
2) Final Make-Up Day
WEEK Twelve: June 2nd - 6th
“It always seems impossible until it’s done.” - Nelson Mandela
Monday - Last day of Classes at WMS
Tuesday - 8th Graduation & Valleyfair Field Trip
Wednesday - First Day of Summer…Enjoy!
a look back…
WEEK ONE: March/Machi 17th - 21st
"He who learns but does not think, is lost! He who thinks but does not learn is in great danger.” - Confucius
March Calendar Language “Take Over” - Swahili CLICK HERE To learn more!!
17th Monday/Jumatatu - 1st Day of Trimester #3
1) Welcome Back…some Tri #3 Reminders (Beyond the Walls)
2) Correct Africa Political Map Test (From before Break)
3) Africa Thematic Mapping Lab (in partner groups)
4) Thematic Lab Sheets Due by end of Period
18th Tuesday/Jamanne -
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Africa Physical Mapping (Maps Handed Out & Work Time)
3) Africa Physical Maps Due & Test Friday,
4) Africa Online Atlas
19th Wednesday/Jumatano -
1) Mask Write Up/Haiku/Poem Work Time (20 min) Project Link
2) Black Placard Sheet Handed Out…will be handed in with Mask
3) African Mask Projects Due = Tuesday Due March 24th “Show & Tell”
3) Africa Trek Video (w/ video worksheet) PART ONE
20th Thursday/Alhamisi -
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Africa Trek Video (w/ video worksheet) PART TWO
3) Extra Time - Study/Prep for Africa Physical Quiz Tomorrow
4) Africa Physical Quizlet
21st Friday/Ijumaa -
1) Africa Physical Maps Due
2) Africa Physical Map Quiz
3) Mask Project Work Time (Write Up/Black Placard)
4) Reminder - Mask Projects Due Next Tuesday Project Link