Swahili Basics

Swahili is a Bantu language (part of the Niger-Congo language family) primarily spoken along the East African coast, particularly in Kenya and Tanzania, where it serves as the official language. The word "Swahili" itself comes from the Arabic word "sawahil" meaning "coast” and is primarily spoken in East Africa, especially Kenya and Tanzania in today’s modern times. 

Popular Words/Phrases:
Jambo: A greeting that means "hello"
Kwa heri: Means "goodbye"
Mzgunu: light skinned foreigner (if you visit East Africa all the kids yell this as you pass in cars)
Hakuna matata: Means "no problem"
Asante: Means "thank you”
Asante sana: Means "thank you very much"
Hapana: Means "no"
Tafadhali: Means "please"
Ndiyo: Means "yes"
Habari gani? Means "how are you?"
Mzuri: Means "I'm fine"

Days of the Week:
Monday = Jumatatu
Tuesday = Jumanne
Wednesday = Jumatano
Thursday = Alhamisi
Friday = Ijumaa
Saturday = Jumamosi
Sunday = Jumapili

Months of the Year:
January = Januari
February = Februari
March = Machi
April = Aprili
May = Mei
June = Juni
July = Julai
August = Agosti
September = Septemba
October = Octoba
November = Novemba
December = Decemba

Yellow area is the Geographical distribution of Swahili speakers in Africa.