WEEK Twelve: March 3rd - 7th

“A man is but a product of his thoughts. What he thinks he becomes.” - Ghandi

1) Serengeti Imax Film
2) Color the Big 5 in Activity Packet

1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Intro - Understanding Africa Through Disease Web Quest
3) Complete “Understanding Africa Through Disease” (in Activity Packet)

Wednesday - SNOW DAY!! (Please go to Schoology for ALL E-Learning)

FYI…message below is the same one that was posted on Schoology..enjoy!

Gooooood Morning Geographers & Happy Snow Day! #BAM

1) We do have Geo Zoom Meetings throughout the day and please use the following link and GET TO CLASS during your regularly scheduled class time in order to be counted for attendance!

Today’s Zoom link…


Per 1 = 9am, Per 2 = 9:45am, Per 4 = 11:15am Per 5 = 12:05pm, Per 6 = 1:15pm

2) Africa Political Maps Due & Test TOMORROW (Thur March 6) BUT...the Africa Political Map WILL NOT be on your Tri #2 grades. (it will be your first Tri #3 grade in portal) 
3) ALL BEYOND THE WALLS due TOMORROW for Tri #2...not coming to school due to an early departure for Spring Break? Welp...take a picture of your poster and send it to me via email in order to get Tri #2 Credit
4) Today's E-Learning Activity is "Understanding Africa Through Disease" & has been posted here as a Schoology Assignment...this online assignment WILL be on Tri #2 grades and needs to be SUBMITTED By 3:20pm TODAY (Wed. March 5th) Note: this is THE SAME worksheet as the one in your Africa Activity Packet...if you would rather complete the Hard Copy in your Packet, just post a picture of your finished pages on this document for credit! 
5) Please Use this link to complete the E-Learning Online Assignment...
6) See You IN ZOOM CLASS (I know you're excited to see me!!!)

Thursday - End of Trimester #
1) ALL Beyond the Walls Tri #2 Due in Class
2) Africa Political Maps Due
3) Africa Political Map Test (Power Countries & Capitals)

Friday - NO School Day/Spring Break Baby

Waconia Schools Spring Break - March 7th to March 16th

a look back…

WEEK ONE: December 2nd - 6th

Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great people make you feel that you, too, can become great. - Mark Twain

1) Maya-Inca-Aztec Mini Unit
2) Hand Out Maya-Aztec-Inca Activity Packet
3) Complete Activity Sections #1 (Vocab) & #2 (Rise & Fall Videos)
Maya-Inca-Aztec WebLink

1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Maya-Inca- Aztec Activity Section #3 (Indigenous Culture Spreadsheet)
3) FYI - Section #3 is a pretty big task…so get crackin on the research!!
Maya-Inca-Aztec WebLink

1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Latin America Physical Maps Due
3) Latin America Physical Map Test (Power Features)
4) Post Test - Complete Activity Section #3 (Mexico Flag Story)
5) Finish up Maya-Inca-Aztec Activity Section #3
Maya-Inca-Aztec WebLink

1) Maya-Inca-Aztec Activity Assessment (Open Note Test)
2) Maya-Inca-Aztec Activity Packets Due (Hand in After test)
3) Self Correct Maya/Inca/Aztec Assessment & Physical Map Quiz

1) What’s Up in the World - CNN10
2) LA River Terms Quiz (Words from LA Activity Packet)
3) Self Correct River Terms Quiz & File Past Work in File Folders
4) Intro to Tropical Rainforests (Notes & Discussion)
5) Rainforest Notes & Film Sheet handed out (Added to Activity Packet)


A well-educated mind will always have more questions than answers. - Helen Keller

1) Quick Review of Intro to Tropical Rainforests (Notes & Discussion)
2) Amazon Film Journey Activity (in Rainforest Packet)
3) Film Journey Link (Need a CHARGED Chromebook for class)
4) Remember after Film Journey…all student return to Intro Notes & Finish with new knowledge!

1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Amazon Film Journey…is it done? (Teacher Check)
3) Rainforest Case Study - “Land Use Conflict - Stakeholders”
5) Continue & Complete “Stakeholders” of the Tropical Rainforest
6) Textbook Link for Stakeholders “Land Use Conflict”
Note: ALL Land Use Conflict and Stakeholder Activities are in regular LA Activity Packet

1) What’s Up in the World - CNN10 Episode
2) Finish Up ALL Land Use Conflict & Stakeholders materials
3) Prep for Greatest Places Test
4) Final Work Time for LA Activity Packet

1) Latin America Greatest Places Test
Note: 20 locations will be on test…which will also include ANY from North America
2) Correct LA Greatest Places Test
3) The Lorax Video

1) Amazon Imax Film (Video Sheet supplement to LA Activity Packet)
2) Amazon Activity Packet Due after Video

WEEK Three: DECEMBER 16th - 20th

1) EuroVid of the Day - Welcome to Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwyllllantysiliogogogoch
2) Europe Political Mapping Work Day (New Unit)
3) Europe Political Maps Due Friday, December 20th
4) Europe Map Central Link
**flip flopping Europe Intro Notes & Mapping due to short turn around with test Fri!

1) EuroVid of the Day - UK…Great Britain…England?
2) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
3) Hand out Europe Activity Packets
4) Europe Intro Notes & Discussion

Wednesday - Band Kids Gone
1) Geo Fun Day
2) Trivia Crack Team Competition #BAM


1) Euro Vid of the Day - No Roads No Cars Just Boats
FYI - due to snow day…taking the Europe Political Map test is optional!
2) Europe Political Maps Due (not required)
3) Europe Political Map Test (not required) Power Countries Link)
4) Europe Regions Link (to use used with Eur Act Packet)
5) Europe Greatest Places Slideshow & Discussion
6) Fill out Greatest Places Map in Euro Activity Packet

Holiday Break December 21st to January 5th, 2025


“If you don't do it this year, you will be one year older when you do.” - Warren Miller

1) EuroVid of the Day - The Town in Two Countries
2) Quick Egypt Recap (Mr. Gilbert’s Holiday Break Trip)
3) Intro “EuroTrip” (Website Travel Project)
Note: ALL students have a choice to either work WITH a partner or alone for EuroTrip
Weblink - EuroTrip Project

1) Euro Vid of the Day - Are Swedish Meatballs even Swedish?
2) Europe Thematic Mapping Lab w/ Partner
3) Lab Reports Due at end of Class Period (Prior to departure)
4) Complete Definitions/Sketches of Mountain GeoTerms (Quiz Friday)

1) EuroVid of the Day - Holland vs. the Netherlands
2) Europe Political Maps Due (make-up from Snow Day)
3) Europe Political Map Test (make-up from Snow Day) Power Countries Link)
4) Europe Regions Link (to use used with Eur Act Packet)
5) City Lottery for EuroTrip & Choose Project Partner
6) EuroTrip has 4 Segments…we will have separate “due dates” throughout
Weblink - EuroTrip Project

1) EuroVid of the Day - The Matterhorn // The Most Recognizable Mountain in the World
2) EuroTrip Work Day - Segment One Focus
Weblink - EuroTrip Project

1) Mountain Terms Quiz (Europe GeoTerms)
2) Mini Mountain Film Festival - “The Alps”
Exploring Swiss Alps by Cablecar
Ride a Wooden Sled down a Swiss Alp
Roof Top Ski Avoriaz, France
Paraglide to Work in Switzerland
3) Complete “Mountains of Europe” Worksheet in Activity Packet with a Friend

WEEK FIVE: JANUARY 13th - 17th

If you're walking down the right path and you're willing to keep walking, eventually you'll make progress. - Barack Obama

1) Euro Vid of the Day - Banking on Cheese
2) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
3) EuroTrip Work Day - COMPLETE Segment One by end of Class
Weblink - EuroTrip Project

Tutorial Videos for EuroTrip:
#1 - Booking Flights on Orbitz.com
#2 - Copy/Paste your Flight info for your Project
#3 - Google Walking Directions

1) EuroVid of the Day - The British Monarchy Explained
2) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
3) Europe Physical Mapping Work Day
4) Europe Physical Maps Due & Test Wednesday, Dec 22nd
5) Europe Map Central Link

1) Euro Vid of the Day - Vatican City Explained
2) EuroTrip Work Day - Segment Two Focus
3) Completed Segments #1 & #2 due Friday, Jan 17th (Peer Review)
Weblink - EuroTrip Project

1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) EuroVid of the Day - The Day Curious George Escaped Nazi Germany
3) Demography/Population Pyramid Classroom Activity
4) Demography Slideshow
5) Demography/Population Pyramid Pages in Activity Packet
6) Demographic Textbook Page
7) How did we get to 6 Billion? MPR Video
Note: Complete Page #1 of Demography in Activity Packet “Population Equation”

1) Peer/Self Review of Segments #1 & #2 for EuroTrip
2) Review Worksheets handed into Mr. Gilbert
3) EuroTrip Work Day - Segment Three Focus
Weblink - EuroTrip Project

WEEK SIX: JANUARY 20th - 24th

The goal is not to be better than the other man/woman, but your previous self. - Dalai Lama

Monday - No School Day/MLK Day

Tuesday - No School “Cold Day” (Cancelled)

1) Euro Vid of the Day - Battle of the Alpine Horns (Swiss)
2) Demography Continued…Population Pyramids
3) TedED Talk - Population Pyramids (Video)
4) Complete Page #2 of Demography in Activity Packet
5) Population Pyramid Web Link (to be used with Act Pack)

1) EuroVid of the Day - Take a Dip in Budapest’s Ancient Spa
2) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
3) EuroTrip Work Day - Segment Three
Weblink - EuroTrip Project

1) EuroVid of the Day - Turkish Whistle Language
1) EuroVid of the Day - 500 Year Old Sausage
2) Europe Physical Maps Due
3) Europe Physical Map Test
4) EuroTrip Work Day - Segment Three Focus & Complete (Homework)
Weblink - EuroTrip Project
*Due to “short week” (Cold Day)…Segment 3 will be Weekend Homework


It is better to offer no excuse than a bad one. - George Washington

EuroVid of the Day - Art of Bull Leaping in Spain
1) Greatest Places Test TOMORROW Greatest Places Study Link
*reminder for GP - will include US/Canada, Latin America & Europe
2) EuroTrip Work Day - Complete Segment Four
Note: DO NOT USE…premade “Placemarks” on Virtual Tour…must create originals!!
3) EuroTrip FULL Project Due Wed Jan 29th)
Weblink - EuroTrip Project

Tuesday “Delay the Day” (Possible “Free Day” in Geo)
Successful Periods with NO CLASS = Period #1, #4. #5 & #6 (2nd 1/2 period)

Wednesday - Early Release Day
1) EuroVid of the Day - Welcome to Paris! (China)
2) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
3) Europe Greatest Places Test
4) European Union Intro Notes & Discussion
5) Intro European Union Discussion Slideshow
6) EuroTrip Websites…DUE TOMORROW

1) EUROTRIP Projects DUE (Final Drafts)…Any Questions/Concerns?
2) EuroVid of the Day - The European Union Explained
3) Intro European Union Discussion Slideshow
4) EU Neighborhood Classroom Activity
5) Complete EU Map in Activity Packet
6) EU Textbook Chapter
7) Click for UPDATED European Union Map

Friday - Gilbert Gone (Be Nice to Sub)
1) EuroTrip Scavenger Hunt (Tour of Sites)
2) Scavenger Activity is a Schoology Assignment due Midnight on Sunday (Feb 2nd)
3) Activity is “on your own”…not Partner work! (thanks)
4) Did I mention?…Be Nice to Sub? (do this)
5) Done Early? Europe Activity Packet Due Monday
Weblink - Student Project Links

WEEK Eight: February 3rd - 7th

“Education must not simply teach work, it must teach Life.” - W.E.B. Du Bois

Monday- Gilbert Gone (Be Nice to Sub)
1) Alps Imax Film w/ Video Worksheet (in Eur Act Packet)
Alps Imax Online Video Link
2) Extra Time? Europe Activity Packet
3) Europe Activity Packets due AT END of Class

1) Current Event Check In - CNN 10
2) Correct Greatest Places Europe Test
3) Hand Out Medieval Unit Activity Packet (Europe Mini Unit)
4) Medieval Intro Notes & Discussion (Guided Notes)
6) Medieval Vocabulary Sheet Work Time (Due Wed)
CLICK HERE for Medieval Unit Webpage Link

1) Vote to BEST IN CLASS Websites - Round One (Top 2 per period)
2) Daily Life in Medieval Europe Activity
3) Main Ideas (5) and Pictures (Sketches)
4) Page is “Homework” if not completed in class
CLICK HERE for Medieval Unit Webpage Link

1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Intro to Castle Life (complete Castle Activity Sheet)
3) Complete “Parts of a Castle” Diagram (back of Castle Video Worksheet)
4) “What is a Castle?” Video …video worksheet on Castle Activities Worksheet
5) Castle Activity Work Time…use link below to help complete Castle Activity Sheet)
CLICK HERE for Medieval Unit Castles Webpage

Friday - No School Day

WEEK NINE: February 10th - 14th

I don’t wait for the calendar to figure out when I should live life. - Gene Simmons

1) Castles and Castle Life Activities Continued
2) Castle Video (56 min) w/ video worksheet “Castle Video” in Activity Packet
CLICK HERE for Castle Video Link

1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Medieval Europe Mapping Activity (Maps Handed out in Class)
3) Map Work Time…Maps Due Wednesday as you walk into class
4) Extra Time? - Return to Medieval Time in Europe Questions/Complete Sentences
CLICK HERE for Medieval Mapping

1) Medieval Maps Due in Class
2) Daily Life in Medieval Europe Activity (in Medieval Packet)
3) Main Ideas & Pictures of Daily Life
CLICK HERE for Medieval Intro Page (Scroll down to Daily Life Activity)

1) Sub Tomorrow in Class - Quick Intro to Tomorrow’s Expectations
2) The Black Plague in Medieval Europe
Segment #1 Intro Video - The Plague Doctor & Black Death Basics
Segment #2 Primary Sources Q&A (Sources & Answers in Act Packet)
Segment #3 Analyze Images/Maps/Graphic Organizers (found on Website)
CLICK HERE for Black Plague Website Pages

Friday - Gilbert Gone (Be Nice to Sub)
1) BEST OF EuroTrip Website Voting
CLICK HERE to View EuroTrip Website Finalists
CLICK HERE to VOTE (can only vote once)
2) The Knight Life Activities (Armour & My Medieval Shield)
4) ID All Parts/Aspects of the Knight Armor (what they wear)
*MUST get Teacher Initials on Parts of Armour before moving on
5) My Shield - Design, Draw & Color YOUR Personal Shield (Final Draft Quality)
Note: MUST USE a few actual Midieval Symbols in your Shield design
7) Medieval Activity Packets Due next Tuesday
CLICK HERE for Medieval Knight Web Pages

WEEK TEN: February 17th - 21st

"Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort." - FDR

Monday - No School/Presidents Day

Tuesday - E-Learning “COLD” DAY
1) PLEASE GO to Schoology for Today’s Directions and Activity!
2) Today’s Schedule…you will need to check in DURING your class via schoology!
1st: 9:00 - 9:40 (Attendance taken within 1st 10min of each class)
2nd: 9:45 - 10:25
4th: 11:15 - 12:00
5th: 12:05 - 12:45
6th: 1:15 - 2:00
3) Assignment will be posted 5 min prior to each period…for attendance “like” the message within
the first 10 min of class & HIT SUBMIT when you are done with assignment!
4) FYI - I am available ALL day via Email cgilbert@isd110.org
5) Round 2 for “EuroTrip Best of”…CLICK HERE For Results!

1) Medieval Activity Packets Due in Class (Due as you walk in)
2) End of Medieval Unit “Fun” Movie - Knights Tale (Part One)

1) End of Medieval Unit “Fun” Movie - Knights Tale (Part Two)

1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Gilbert Slides & Stories: Walkers Haute Route Adventure (French/Swiss Alps)
3) Looking to Next Week: Intro New Unit - Africa
4) REMINDER - Tri #2 Beyond the Walls Due March 3rd
5) Round #2 - Best of EuroTrip Voting Link
6) Link for EuroTrip Student Project Examples
FYI - Voting this round is UNLIMITED & will end Monday at 9am

WEEK Eleven: February 24th - 28th

“It's hard to beat a person who never gives up.”- George Herman Ruth

1) New Unit - Africa
2) Hand out Africa Activity Packet (due at end of Unit)
3) Africa Intro Notes & Discussion (Includes African Regions)
4) Geoterms “Africa Land Terms” Assigned (Define & Sketch in Act Packet)
5) Land Terms Quiz Friday
4) Announce EuroTrip “Best of” Final Four Finalists

Tuesday - 8th Grade Winter Field Trip Day (No Geo Classes) s

Wednesday - Early Release Day
1) Africa Political Mapping Work Time
Note: Student can grab a map with ALL Defined Land Terms in Packet
2) Africa Political Maps Due & Test: Wednesday, March 5th
3) Africa Map Central CLICK HERE
4) Power Countries List (these will be countries/capitals on test)

1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Finish Africa Intro Notes Africa Intro Notes
3) Africa Greatest Places Slideshow & Discussion
4) FYI - Land Terms Quiz TOMORROW!! Quizlet Link
5) Extra Time - Africa Political Mapping Work Time (Due Next Wed)
6) EuroTrip “Best of” Championship Decided!! Bracket Link

1) Land Terms Quiz
2) Intro African Mask Project

Sunrise over Africa - Mt. Kilimanjaro Summit

The Whole Universe depends on everything fitting together just right...if one piece busts, even the smallest piece...the whole universe gets busted.
— Hushpuppy (Beasts of the Southern Wild)