Most often we look to places like Egypt, Africa and the Middle East when “Ancient People and Culure” comes up in conversation. BUT…did you know that people have been living throughout North & South America for the past 10,000 years!?! Yes, the earliest inhabitants of the western hemisphere literally walked here from Asia during the last Ice Age. Most of these early people were nomadic hunter/gatherers who were following game (animals hunted for food) and looking for places to live that could support human habitation. Many groups made their way down into Latin America, which is probably due to the favorable year round temperatures and long growing season. Latin America is home to hundreds of different cultural groups and many aspects of these ancient cultures can still be seen today throughout the vibrant art, clothing and food throughout this region. As 8th graders, we are going to take a detailed look at the “BIG 3” native groups…Inca, Maya and Aztecs…a little stop in our exploration of the world as Geographers!
WHO - Maya, Aztec & Inca
WHAT - 3 major Empires/Tribes/Civilizations (Indigenous Groups)
WHERE - Latin America/Mesoamerica/South America
WHEN - about 2000 BCE to 1570 BC
WHY - to gain a deeper understanding of Western Hemisphere History & Geography
CLICK HERE to download MayaIncaAztec Activity Sheet
Timeline of Latin America
Note: BCE = Before Common Era or “Before Christ” CE = Common Era or AD “After Death” (more on this during Europe Unit)
The Big 3 Geographically
Mexico City = Aztec, Yucatan = Mayan & Andes/Lake Titicaca = Incan
Classroom Activity - “Research & Record” (& Learn)
The focus activity for our learning about the Maya, Inca and Aztecs is to research and record our findings about these 3 major indigenous cultures. ALL students will be given an activity sheet that focuses on different aspects of cutlure for our chosen native groups of Latin America. 8th Grade Geographers will be comparing/contrasting the BIG 3 to our modern culture here in the USA. Students will not be creating a project or writting a paper with their research findings, but will be completing a final assessment about knowledge gained through their research activities. A TEST!?! Ya, but guess what?…you will be able to use your completed research sheets during the assessment!
Activity Section #1 - Define Basic Vocabulary
Activity Section #2 - “Rise & Fall” History Videos
Video #1 - Rise & Fall of Mayan Empire TedEd Video
Video #2 - Rise & Fall of the Aztec Empire Smithsonian Magazine
Video #3 - Rise & Fall of the Inca Empire TedEd Video
Activity Section #3 - Reseach Indigenous Culture Spreadsheet
Helpful Weblinks for Spreadsheet (all answers should be available within these sites)
Aztec Inventions & Achievements
Inca Inventions & Achievements
Maya Inventions & Achievements
Aztec Inca Maya Timeline & Activities (Sutori)
Helpful Video Links for Spreadsheet
Activity Section #4 - Story Time!
Explore Tikal (a Mayan City) Great Big Story
Aztec Legend of the Eagle, Snake & Cactus (emblem on Modern Mexico Flag)