The way to develop the best that is in a person is by appreciation and encouragement. - Charles Schwab

1) CNN 10 News
2) Interpreting Maps & Graphs w/ the 5 Themes of Geography
3) Interpreting Maps & Graphs LINK (need this to complete activity)
4) Check Answers with Gilberts (need approval)
5) Staple/Add “Approved” Interpreting Maps & Graphs to LA Activity Packet
6) Extra Time? (Study for Tomorrow’s LA Political Map Test)

1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Latin America Political Maps Due
3) Latin America Political Map Test (Countries & Capitals)
4) Regions of Latin America Mapping (Activity Packet)
5) LA Regions Slideshow

1) Latin America Mapping Lab
2) Partner Activity (Groups of 2)
3) Mapping Lab Sheets Due by end of Class (1st Grade for Tri #2)

1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Flight of the Butterflies Movie (no video worksheet)
3) End of Trimester #1 is tomorrow…ALL Missing Work Due!!

2) ALL “Beyond the Walls” Projects Due IN CLASS
3) Latin America Physical Mapping Work Day
4) LA Physical Maps Due & Test Wednesday after Break

FYI - NO SCHOOL NEXT WEEK - Thanksgiving Break!!

a look back…


Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power & magic in it.
- Goethe

I know where my Geo classroom is, where basic supplies/tools are located and getting to know Mr. Gilbert & my new Geography class family.
1) Welcome to World Geography & Meet Mr. Gilbert
2) Local Geography Challenge - Trivia Crack Quiz Game (in small groups & not graded)
3) Quick Tour of the Classroom & Basic Daily Expectations

I am starting to gain a perspective of my current world view & learning about what I need to work on this year as a World Geography student.
1) United States Geography PRE - Test (Not Graded)
FYI - US Pretest will be completed in Partner Groups of 2
2) Quick Tour of Classroom Website www.44north93west.com (bookmark site please)
3) Seating Charts Tomorrow…get to class and nab your own seat!

What does my mental map of the world include as an incoming 8th Grade Geography student?
1) Create Seating Chart - Pick your Seat! (choose wisely…”use it for lose it”)
2) “ My World Fall 2024” (Draw the World) Activity *Handed in, but NOT Graded!
3) Create Student Classroom File Folders

Thursday (Gilbert Gone)
I can document my basic geographic journey as a human in the world.
1) FYI - Gilbert is out…at a XC Meet/with HS Athletes at St. Olaf Collage
2) “My Geography Story” Activity (Hand In when Completed)
FYI - on backside of this sheet is a parent signature slip we will use next week
3) MN Geography Scavenger Hunt (Due by end of Period)

Friday - NO SCHOOL “Labor Day Weekend”


If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or objects. - Einstein

Monday NO SCHOOL “Labor Day”

Tuesday -
I can define “Geography” & can use this definition to explain what my classmates and I will be doing throughout the year while in this class.
1) “World Geography” PreTest (Not Graded) CLICK HERE
2) What is Geography? (Discussion…what are we going to be doing in this class?)
3) Geo Fun Video Clip of the Day…Why should we know Geography?
Name a Country Video - Jimmy Kimme

Wednesday -
I will research, define and begin my basic exploration of common Geographic terms to help me start looking at the world as a social scientist..a Geographer!
1) Review “My Geography Story” Activity Sheets (Home to be Signed & due Friday)
2) Hand Out “Geo-Boot Camp” Activity Packets
3) Define 20 Words for Geographers in Packet
4) 20 Words Review as a Group CLICK HERE for Geoterm Homepage
Note: 20 Words for Geographers Quiz next Wednesday…all 20 words will be on Quiz

Thursday -
I can use the 5 Themes of Geography to explain the uniqueness of locations throughout the planet.
1) Work Time - Define 20 Words for Geographers CLICK HERE for Geoterm Homepage
2) 5 Themes of Geography Notes & Discussion (in Geo Bootcamp Packet)
3) Extra Time? - Word Find or Crossword Puzzle in Boot Camp Activity Packet

Friday -
I will create a picture collage to display the 5 Themes of Geography for a given location.
1) Parent Signature Slips Due Back (fyi - backside of My Geo Story)
2) Intro “Beyond the Walls” in World Geography
3) Video Clip - 5 Themes of Geo Fornite Edition
4) 5 Themes Activity Intro & Work Time (Basic Directions are below)
5) 5 Themes Collage Activity Due by Midnight Sunday (Schoology Assignment)
*remember to HIT “SUBMIT” when done on Schoology
Basic Directions for 5 Themes Collage…ALL students will make two picture collages that explain the “5 Themes of Geography”…#1 Collage = will be a US State and #2 Collage = student Choice…meaning student can choose ANY PLACE on Earth. (Our School, Home, Cabin, World City, etc…place needs to be rather specific) ALL Collages will be created using 5 Pictures…one for each Theme. Note: NO words or descriptions needed…picture should visual explain the Theme!


The greater danger for most of us isn’t that our aim is too high and miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.” – Michelangelo

Monday -
I can identify the differences between a Physical, Political, & Special Purpose Map.
1) Intro to Maps Notes & Discussion (Notes & Discussion)
2) Mapping in World Geo (Basic Expectations for the Year)
3) Hand out Australia Political Maps
4) Online Australia Atlas (“Map Central” Tab on Website)
5) 20 Words for Geographers? (Are your Definitions Done??)
Note: tomorrow is a Mapping Work Day…bring Black Pen & Colored Pencils

I will create both a physical and political map of the Australia/Oceania Continent.
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Australia/Oceania Mapping Work Day
3) CLICK HERE for Australia/Oceania Online Atlas
Note: the creation of ALL personal Maps in World Geo is a BIG PART of what we do and I
challenge ALL Geo Students to “kick Butt and take names” when completing…meaning = do a

Wednesday -
I can locate both the Equator and Prime Meridian…and explain their significance in the universal location grid system of Lat & Long.

1) 20 Words for Geographers Quiz
2) Australia Mapping Work Time (Due Next Monday)

Thursday -
I will observe & record my observations of the Australian landscape & animal life.
1) Australia “Land Beyond Time” Imax Film w/ Video Worksheet (in Act Packet)
2) Australia Mapping Work Time (Due Monday)
3) CLICK HERE for Australia/Oceania Online Atlas

Friday -
I will continue on my quest to create original maps of both the Physical and Political landscapes of the Australian & Oceania landmass.
1) Reminder…ALL Australia Maps due Monday (Any Questions)
2) Australia Physical & Political Mapping Work Time
3) CLICK HERE for Australia/Oceania Online Atlas


“You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.” – Zig Ziglar

Monday -
I can use Latitude & Longitude, in its basic form, to locate places throughout our world.
1) Australia Physical & Political Maps Due in Class
2) Latitude & Longitude Discussion Notes (guided notes in Boot Camp Packet)
3) Full Group Lat & Long Practice
4) Latitude & Longitude Activity Sheets in Packet (in small groups)

I can use Latitude & Longitude, in its basic form, to locate places throughout our world.
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events CNN10
2) Video Review of Lat & Longitude Basics
3) Lat & Long Review & Practice
4) General Australia Activity Packet Work Time

Wednesday - 8th Grade Canoe Trip #BAM (No Geo Classes)

Thursday -
I can identify keys aspects of coral reefs & link it to life on earth.
1) Coral Reef Adventure Imax Film
2) FYI - Coral Reef Video/Beyond the Video Worksheet in Geo Boot Camp Packet

Friday -
I am aware of the importance of coral reefs to our earth’s biodiversity and balance.
1) Coral Reef - Beyond the Video Worksheet/Activity
2) Coral Reef Important Web Links (to be used with “Beyond the Video” Activity Sheet)

Articles about Coral Reefs:
Tourism vs. Conservation
Tourists at the Great Barrier Reef  
Why do we need the Great Barrier Reef?
Everything you need to know about coral bleaching
Causes of coral bleaching
Facts and Statistics
The Great Barrier Reef: Facts and figures   
Animals of the Great Barrier Reef
Coral Bleaching
Video Resources:
Is it too late to repair the Great Barrier Reef?  (11 minutes)
Coral Bleaching 101 (2 minutes)
Climate Change (2 minutes)
Coral Bleaching (2 minutes)
Ocean Acidification (2 minutes)


Inspiration is for amateurs - the rest of us just show up and get to work. - Chuck Close

1) Latitude and Longitude Practice Day (Group Work)
2) Complete ALL remaining Lat & Long Activities within Bootcamp Activity Packet
**Day will be spent working on small groups on Lat/Long

1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) How Well do you know Australia? (Fun Quiz)
3) Aboriginal Culture Slideshow (used for Guided Notes in Activity Packet)
**use this dreamtine story = The Rainbow Serpent - Dreamtime Story YouTube Link

Extra Video Links
Bullroarer - YouTube Link
Didgeridoo Street Performance - YouTube Link
Dot Art Basics - YouTube Link
How to Throw a Boomerang - YouTube Link

Wednesday - (Early Release Day)
Complete ONE Aboriginal Art Activity (Choices below)
**Aboriginal Art Choice Due Tomorrow WITH Geo Boot Camp Activity Packet

Aboriginal Art Activity Choices
#1 Boomerang Design or #2 Dot Art Creation
(see Gilbert for handout)

Helpful Links…
Understand Aboriginal Art & Intro to Aboriginal Symbols CLICK HERE
Dot Art Basics - YouTube Link
How to Throw a Boomerang - YouTube Link
Note: Aboriginal Art Piece Due Tomorrow

1) Geo Boot Camp Activity Packets Due
2) Hand out USA & Canada Activity Packets (New Unit)
3) USA/Canada Intro Notes & Discussion
4) US/Canada Border Video

1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) US State & Capital Political Maps Handed Out
3) US State & Capital Political Mapping Work Time
4) US State & Capital Test Next Wednesday
5) USA/Canada Online Atlas Link

WEEK SIX: September 30th to October 4th

Success isn't always about greatness. It's about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come. - Dwayne Johnson (the Rock)

Waconia Homecoming Week

Monday - Dress Up Day = Comfy/PJ Day
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Organize and File Corrected work into Student File Folders
3) Water Terms Discussion & Definition (from Activity Packet)
4) Water Terms Quizlet is Available CLICK HERE (study help for quiz)
4) Water Terms Quiz Tuesday, Oct 8th

Tuesday - Dress Up Day = Mismatch Day
1) Alaska Imax Film w/ Video Worksheet (in US/Can Activity Packet)
2) US State/Capital Study Time on Own
3) Maps Due & US State/Capital Test TOMORROW

Wednesday - Dress Up Day = Neon Day
1) United States Political Maps Due in Class
2) US State and Capitals Test
3) Post Test - US/Canada “People of Power” Worksheet

Thursday - Dress Up Day = Hat & Jersey Day
1) US/Canada Physical Maps Handed Out
2) US/Canada Online Atlas Link
3) US/Canada Physical Mapping Work Day
Note: Physical Maps Due & Test

Friday - Dress Up Day = School Spirit Purple/Gold Day
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Intro “School to Home” Mapping Project
3) Work Time - Rough Draft Creation (Portrait View vs. Landscape View)
Note: School to Home Map is Due Friday, Oct 11th


Travel is not reward for working, it’s education for living. - Anthony Bourdain

1) Quick Group Review of “School to Home Project”
2) School to Home Mapping Work Day
3) “School to Home” Mapping Project Link
*5th Hour No Geography “Duck Cup”

1) Complete US/Canada Regions Map in Activity Packet
Note: Please color and label ALL regions
2) US/Canada Regions Slideshow Link
*only 1st & 2nd Hour have World Geo due to “Newsies at the HS”

1) North America “Water Terms” Quiz (word list in Activity Packet)
2) School to Home is DUE FRIDAY
3) School to Home Work Day
4) “School to Home” Mapping Project Link

1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) North America Greatest Places Slideshow & Mapping Activity
Note: Greatest Places Map will be completed IN CLASS
3) US/Canada Greatest Places Test Friday, Oct. 25th

1) School to Home Mapping Project Final Draft Due
2) Peer Review/Evaluate School to Home Projects


“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” - Nelson Mandela

1) Grand Canyon “River at Risk” Imax Movie w/ Video Worksheet
2) US/Canada Activity Packet Work Time (People of Power)
Helpful Study links for US/Canada Physical Map Test…
US/Canada “Power” Feature List (Physical Map)
US/Canada Physical “Power” Feature Quizlet

1) US/Canada Physical Maps Due
2) US/Canada Physical Map Test
3) Canada Political Maps Handed Out
4) Canada Political Mapping Work Time
FYI - Canada Political Maps Due & Test Wednesday, Oct. 30th

Wednesday - Friday


There are some of us who can live without wild things, and some who cannot – Aldo Leopold

Monday - World Geo “Catch Up” Day
1) Major Organize, Correct & File Day…are you missing anything?
2) Student Work Time Check List…(#1 - 3 are in Activity Packet)
#1 - Finish “Regions of US/Canada Map”
Regions of US/Canada Link (to be used to complete map above)
#2 - People of Power Complete
#3 - Graphing Page Complete
#4 - Canada Political Map (Due Oct 30th)

Tuesday - I can explain the significance of the Great Lakes Region to the US & Canada.
1) Great Lakes Regional Focus
2) Great Lakes Textbook Link (use with Act Packet Worksheet)
3) Great Lakes “FUN QUIZ” (not Graded)
4) Great Lakes Diagram/Map Activity Packet Completion
5) “Rise and Fall of Great Lakes” Video

Wednesday - I understand the difference between Immigration & Emigration and how if directly affects life in the United States.
1) Finish “Greatest Places” Intro Slideshow & Discussion
2) Immigration & Emigration in the United States Activity (Packet)
3) Textbook Link for Immigration/Emigration Population Patterns

1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Continue Immigration & Emigration in the United States Activity (Packet)
2) Textbook Link for Immigration/Emigration Population Patterns

1) Thematic Mapping North America
2) Small Group Activity…Due at end of Period
3) BE NICE TO SUB (Gilbert Out)

WEEK TEN - Oct 28th - November 1st

Commitment is what transforms a promise into reality. - Abraham Lincoln

Monday - Canada Week
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Canada “Fun” Quiz (how well do you know Canada?)
3) Canada “Fact or Fiction” Fun Quiz
4) Canada “Quick Quiz” Fun Quiz

1) OUR Provinces Documentary (Canada Video w/ Video Wrkst)
2) Canada Video Link
3) Video Worksheet Handed out in Class (will be added to US/Can Activity Packet)

Wednesday (Early Release Day)
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
1) Canada “Quick Quiz” Fun Quiz
2) Canada Political Maps Due
3) Canada Political Map Test (Provinces & Capitals)

Tuesday - Geo Skills Mini Unit “Reading Topographic Maps”
1) Intro Topographic Mapping Mini-Unit
2) Topographic Map Intro Video “Geo Minute”
2) Topography Notes & Discussion Notes
3) Intro to Topographic Map Activity
Weblink: Topography Mini-Unit Webpage

Wednesday - Geo Skills Mini Unit “Reading Topographic Maps”
1) Finish “Intro to Topographic Map” Activity
2) Topographic Map Challenge Activity
3) US/Canada Physical Map Work Time (Due Next Wednesday)
Weblink: Topography Mini-Unit Webpage


Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference - Winston Churchil

Monday - National Parks Week
1) Greatest Places US/Canada Test (20 locations)
2) NA/Canada Activity Packets Due in Class
3) National Parks Unit Intro & NP Project Intro
4) FYI - ALL students will pick their National Park tomorrow
(only one student per period per pars, so have a couple of ideas)
5) A to Z FULL List of US National Parks
Weblink: America’s National Parks Unit Webpage

1) Election Day - Classes Vote for President (will get results Wed)
2) National Parks “Short Film Festival”
3) Complete TOP 3 (National Park) Choices (for lottery)
4) National Park Lottery
Weblink: America’s National Parks Unit Webpage

1) Election Day Results (Class Vote Results)
2) National Park Project Work Time (must complete Rough Draft)
3) Brochure “Rough Draft” Due Tomorrow
Weblink: America’s National Parks Unit Webpage

1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) National Parks Adventure Imax Film w/ Video Worksheet
3) Work Time on National Park Brochure Project
Weblink: America’s National Parks Unit Webpage

1) Final Draft Work Time - Nat’l Park Brochure
2) Film Festival & Scavenger Hunt (are they done?)
3) National Parks Brochure Due Monday
4) National Parks Activity Packet Due Monday
Weblink: America’s National Parks Unit Webpage


“We must all either wear out or rust out, every one of us. My choice is to wear out.”
- Theodore Roosevelt

1) National Parks Project Due - Brochure Completed and Ready to Hand in
2) National Park Activity Packet Due
2) Peer Share/Review National Parks Project
3) Latin America Activity Packet Handed Out
4) LA Intro Notes & Discussion

1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Latin America Political Mapping Work Day
3) Latin America Maps Due & Test Tuesday 19th
4) LA “Power” Country List (Political Map Test will be these Countries/Capitals)
5) LA Mapping Atlas CLICK HERE

1) Latin America Greatest Places Slideshow & Discussion (Map in Activity Packet)
2) LA Political Mapping Work Time (any extra time)

Thursday I can identify the animals that have evolved without human influence on the Galapagos Islands of Equador
1) Galapagos Islands Mini Unit
2) Google Mapping the Galapagos Islands (intro Video)
3) Galapagos Islands Intro Notes/Intro Animals
4) Galapagos Islands Video
5) Galapagos Island ID (within Intro Notes)
6) Color/ID Galapagos Animals (within Intro Notes)

1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Galapagos Islands Continued
3) Galapagos Islands Video - Part Two
4) Animal Coloring (Complete ALL Galapagos Pages)
5) Galapagos Islands Intro Notes/Intro Animals