Birds of Minnesota

CLICK HERE for Mr. Gilbert’s Example

MY BIG YEAR - my Personal Bird List

During the Spring Quarter we will be venturing outside to go “BIRD WATCHING”…the goal is to make a list of birds common to our school’s campus. Basically, we need to know more about our surroundings and nothing better than to be able to ID a few of our flying friends. ALL PLP kids will be creating a Bird List of our “sightings”…these bird lists will be created in Google Slides and shared with Mr. Gilbert. This slideshow will be a “work in progress” throughout the 4th quarter.

How “MY BIG YEAR” should be set up…

Slide #1: Intro Slide entitled “My Big Year” (Spring 2022)…should include a basic bird pict, student name & student “selfie”

Slide #2: Bird Index w/ appox date of campus sighting

Slide #3 - 20ish?: Bird Highlight Pages…dedicate one page of your slideshow to the birds we have identified. Each Bird page should inclulde…
1) Bird’s Official Name
2) pictures of both the Male and Female versions of the bird
3) 3 fast facts of the featured bird
4) basic migration map of where this bird goes during the winter. (FYI - not all birds migrate)
5) please include at least 3 images on each of these pages!

GREAT “Birding” Websites…

The Cornell Lab - “All About Birds
Bird Watchers Digest
Backyard Chirper
Audubon Guide to North American Birds **Goodie

Common MN Bird List on our campus…

1) Common Loon
2) American Robin
3) Great Blue Heron
4) Black Capped Chickadee
5) Blue Jay
6) Northern Cardinal
7) American Crow
8) Canada Goose
9) Mallard Duck
10) Turkey Vulture
11) Red-Winged Blackbird
12) Ring-Billed Gull
13) Great Egret
14) Trumpeter Swan
15) Mourning Dove
16) Bald Eagle
17) American Goldfinch
18) Ring-Necked Pheasant
19) American Coot
20) White-Breasted Nuthatch