WEEK ONE: December 2nd - 6th

Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great people make you feel that you, too, can become great. - Mark Twain

Monday - I can use thematic maps to see trends throughout a landmass.
1) Thematic Map Challenge
2) “Challenge” completed in groups of 2
3) Thematic Challenge Sheet due by end of day (20 pts possible)
4) Latin America Physical Maps & Test Tomorrow Quizlet Link
**Absent? Not a required “Make-Up” activity

Tuesday - I can identify key physical features that create the landscape of Latin America.
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Latin America Physical Maps Due
3) Latin America Physical Map Test
4) LA Activity Packet Work Time (anything still blank?)

Wednesday - I can explain the basic borders of the continent of Europe.
EuroVid of the Day - Welcome to Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwyllllantysiliogogogoch
1) Latin America Activity Packets Due in Class
2) Latin America Greatest Places Quiz
3) Hand out Europe Activity Packets
4) Europe Intro Notes & Discussion

Thursday - I can identify and locate all the countries of the Europe.
EuroVid of the Day - UK…Great Britain…England?
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Europe Political Mapping Work Day
3) Europe Political Maps Due Friday, December 8th
4) Europe Map Central Link

Friday - I will explore and locate the great human & physical landmarks of Europe.
Euro Vid of the Day - No Roads No Cars Just Boats
1) Europe Greatest Places Slideshow & Discussion
2) Fill out Greatest Places Map in Euro Activity Packet
3) Define Mountain Terms in Activity Packet


A well-educated mind will always have more questions than answers. - Helen Keller

Monday - I will choose my partner and/or my Europe city for the EuroTrip web project.
EuroVid of the Day - The Day Curious George Escaped Nazi Germany
1) Intro “EuroTrip” (Website Travel Project)
2) City Lottery for EuroTrip
3) EuroTrip has 4 Segments (2 are due BEFORE Christmas break…2 after)
4) Complete Definitions/Sketches of Mountain GeoTerms
Note: ALL students have a choice to either work WITH a partner or alone for EuroTrip

Tuesday - I know the location & basic geographic layout of my EuroTrip city.
EuroVid of the Day - Holland vs. the Netherlands
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) EuroTrip Work Day - Segment One Focus

Wednesday -
EuroVid of the Day - The Town in Two Countries
1) Demography/Population Pyramid Classroom Activity
2) Demography Slideshow
3) Demography/Population Pyramid Pages in Activity Packet
4) Demographic Textbook Page
Note: Complete Page #1 of Demography in Activity Packet “Population Equation”

Thursday - I have completed the basic Demographic info for EuroTrip segment one.
Euro Vid of the Day - Banking on Cheese
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Europe Political Maps & Test Tomorrow - Group Quizlet Challenge
3) Europe Power Countries Quizlet
4) Europe Counties and Capitals Quizlet
5) EuroTrip Work Day - Complete Segment One

Tutorial Videos for EuroTrop:
#1 - Booking Flights on Orbitz.com
#2 - Copy/Paste your Flight info for your Project
#3 - Google Walking Directions

Friday - I know and can identify the countries and capitals of the European Power Countries.
EuroVid of the Day - The British Monarchy Explained
1) Europe Political Maps Due
2) Europe Political Map Test (Countries & Capitals)
3) Europe Regions/Neighborhoods Activity Page Completion


What is love? Love is playing every game like it's your last. - Micheal Jordan

Monday -
Euro Vid of the Day - Vatican City Explained
1) Mountain/Alpine Terms Quizlet
2) EuroTrip Work Day - Segment Two Focus
3) Segments #1 & #2 due Tuesday, Dec 19th
4) Segment #2 Weblink

Tuesday - I have a deeper understanding of life for humans in the Alps.
EuroVid of the Day - The Matterhorn // The Most Recognizable Mountain in the World
1) Europe Mountain Terms Quiz
2) Mini Mountain Film Festival - “The Alps”
Exploring Swiss Alps by Cablecar
Ride a Wooden Sled down a Swiss Alp
Roof Top Ski Avoriaz, France
Paraglide to Work in Switzerland
3) Complete “Mountain of Europe” Worksheet in Activity Packet with a Friend

Wednesday - I can use a population pyramid to project future growth/decline of a countries population.
Euro Vid of the Day -
Battle of the Alpine Horns (Swiss)
1) Demography Continued…Population Pyramids
2) TedED Talk - Population Pyramids (Video)
3) Complete Page #2 of Demography in Activity Packet
4) Population Pyramid Web Link (to be used with Act Pack)

Thursday -
EuroVid of the Day - Tiggywinkles - Wildlife Hospital
1) EuroTrip Work Day - Complete Segment Two
2) Segment #1 & #2 Due & Peer/Self Review Tuesday, Dec 19th

Friday - Gilbert Gone (be Nice to Sub)
1) Europe Physical Mapping Work Day
2) Europe Physical Maps & Test Thursday, Dec 21st
3) Europe Map Central Link


“If you don't do it this year, you will be one year older when you do.” - Warren Miller

Monday -
EuroVid of the Day - Are Swedish Meatballs even Swedish?
1) Adventure Story/Slides (Hike to Phantom Ranch, Grand Canyon NP)
2) EuroTrip Work & Question Session
3) FYI - Segments #1 & #2 Due TOMORROW
EuroTrip Project Weblink

Tuesday -
EuroVid of the Day - Turkish Whistle Language
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Segments #1 & #2 Due in Class
3) Self/Peer Reviews
EuroTrip Project Weblink
Note: MUST have BOTH written Segment Worksheets & Online Completed

Wednesday - Band Kids to the Mall
Trivia Crack Game Day - No Make-Up Assignment

Thursday - I can locate and label the major physical features of Europe.
EuroVid of the Day -
500 Year Old Sausage
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Europe Physical Maps Due
3) Europe Physical Map Test

Friday -
Euro Vid of the Day - Saint Nick
1) Preview Segments #3 & #4 EuroTrip Website
2) Fix/Make Changes to Segments #1 & #2 Work Time
FYI - Segments #3 & #4 Due January 11th
EuroTrip Project Weblink

- CHRISTMAS/HOLIDAY BREAK Dec 23rd to Jan 2nd -


If you're walking down the right path and you're willing to keep walking, eventually you'll make progress. - Barack Obama

Monday - No School Day

Tuesday - No School Day

1) The Might 5 of Utah - Holiday Adventure Recap w/ Gilbert
2) EuroTrip Work Day - Segment Three Focus

Thursday - I can describe why countries of Europe join economic alliances.
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
EuroVid of the Day - The European Union Explained
2) Intro European Union Discussion Slideshow
3) EU Neighborhood Classroom Activity
4) Complete EU Map in Activity Packet
5) EU Textbook Chapter
6) Click for UPDATED European Union Map

Friday - EuroTrip Work Day - Complete Segment Three


The goal is not to be better than the other man/woman, but your previous self. - Dalai Lama

Monday -
1) EuroTrip Work Day - Segment Four Focus (Google Mapping)

Tuesday -
EuroVid of the Day - Art of Bull Leaping in Spain
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Greatest Places Test TOMORROW Greatest Places Study Link
*reminder for GP - will include US/Canada, Latin America & Europe
3) EuroTrip Work Day - Complete Segment Four
Note: DO NOT USE…premade “Placemarks” on Virtual Tour…must create originals!!
4) EuroTrip FULL Project Due Thursday, Jan 11th

Wednesday -
EuroVid of the Day - Welcome to Paris! (China)
1) Europe Greatest Places Test
2) Last Chance Work Day for EuroTrip Websites…DUE TOMORROW

Thursday -
EuroVid of the Day - No Flag Northern Ireland
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) EuroTrip Websites Due…Peer & Self Evaluations

Friday -
1) Alps Imax Film (NO Video Worksheet)


It is better to offer no excuse than a bad one. - George Washington


Tuesday -
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Europe Activity Packet Due
3) Complete Final Two Peer Evaluations for EuroTrip

Wednesday - Ukraine/Russia War Mini Unit
Ukraine Website Link

Thursday - Ukraine/Russia War Mini Unit
What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
Ukraine Website Link

Friday - Ukraine/Russia War Mini Unit
Ukraine Website Link

WEEK Eight: JANUARY 22nd - 26TH

“Education must not simply teach work, it must teach Life.” - W.E.B. Du Bois

Monday -
Medieval Video Clip of Day - The Black Knight (in Shining Armor)
1) Intro to Medieval Europe Unit
2) Medieval Intro Notes & Discussion (Guided Notes)
3) Work on Medieval Vocabulary Sheet
CLICK HERE for Medieval Unit Webpage Link

Tuesday -
Medieval Video Clip of Day - Who Goes There?
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Complete Medieval Vocab Sheet (check with teacher upon completion)
3) Medieval Time in Europe “Read & Write” (homework if not completed)
CLICK HERE for Medieval Unit Webpage Link

Wednesday - Early Release Day
1) Daily Life in Medieval Europe Activity
2) Main Ideas (5) and Pictures (Sketches)
3) Page is “Homework” if not completed in class
CLICK HERE for Medieval Unit Webpage Link

Thursday - CLICK HERE to Name a Snowplow Contest
What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
1) Intro to Castle Life
2) Complete “Parts of a Castle” Diagram (back of Castle Video Worksheet)
3) Castle Video (Part One) …video worksheet on Castle Activities Worksheet
CLICK HERE for Medieval Unit Webpage Link

Friday - Gilbert Gone…BE NICE to SUB!!
1) Castle Video (Part Two) …video worksheet on Castle Activities Worksheet
2) Castle Activity Worksheet DUE (Please Turn In prior to leaving class)

WEEK NINE: JANUARY 29th - February 2nd

I don’t wait for the calendar to figure out when I should live life. - Gene Simmons

Monday -
1) Knights in Shining Armor Activities
2) Knight Shield Design/Knight Uniform Diagram
CLICK HERE for The Knight Life Activity Sheet

Tuesday -
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Mapping Medieval Europe
CLICK HERE for Mapping Medieval Europe Activity Sheet

Wednesday -
1) The Black Plague
CLICK HERE for Black Plague in Europe Activity Sheet

Thursday -
1) ALL Medieval Unit Materials Due in Class (Create Packet and Hand In)
2) End of Medieval Unit “Fun Movie” A NIGHTS TALE *(no worksheet)

Friday - NO SCHOOL

WEEK TEN: February 5th - 9th

"Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort." - FDR

Monday -
1) Intro New Unit - Africa
2) Africa Activity Packet Handed out
3) Africa Intro Notes & Discussion
4) Africa Greatest Places Slideshow & Discussion

Tuesday -
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Greatest Places Slideshow & Mapping (In Activity Packet)
2) Africa Land Terms (Please Define in Packet)
3) Africa Land Terms (Define & Sketch)
2) Africa Political Mapping (Student can grab a map with ALL Defined Land Terms in Packet)

Wednesday -
1) Africa Political Mapping Continued
2) Africa Political Maps Due & Test Next Tuesday, Feb 13th
3) Note: Power Countries! (20 countries selected for this test)

Thursday -
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Intro African Mask Project
3) Complete “Land Term” Sketches in Activity Packet

Friday -
1) Serengeti Imax Film
2) Color the Big 5 in Activity Packet

WEEK Eleven: February 12th - 16th

“It's hard to beat a person who never gives up.”- George Herman Ruth

Monday -
1) Understanding Africa Through Disease
2) Intro - Understanding Africa Through Disease Web Quest
3) Complete “Understanding Africa Through Disease” (in Activity Packet)
4) Africa “Power” Country List
5) Africa Political Map Test - Power Country Locations Quizlet
6) Africa Power Countries & Capitals Quizlet

Tuesday -
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Africa Political Maps Due
3) Africa Political Map Test
*Note: Period #2 and #4 have FREE DAYS (Delay the Day)

Wednesday -
1) Africa Physical Mapping
2) Africa Physical Maps due Friday, March 23rd

Thursday -
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Understanding Africa Through Disease Web Quest
3) Finish Up - “Understanding Africa Through Disease” (in Activity Pack

Friday -
1) Reminder - Africa Land Terms Quiz Next Tuesday
2) Africa Land Terms Quizlet
3) AfricaTrek Video w/ video wrk in packet

WEEK Twelve: February 19th - 23rd

“A man is but a product of his thoughts. What he thinks he becomes.” - Ghandi

Monday - NO SCHOOL: Presidents’ Day

Tuesday -
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Africa Land Terms Quiz
3) Correct Land Terms Quiz
4) Missing/Late Work…end of Trimester is NEAR
5) Mask Project Update (What are you making?)

Wednesday -
1) Mask Project Placard Work Day (Black Paper w/ Haiku/Write-up)
2) African Milk Jug Mask Project Link

Thursday -
1) The Sahel Region of Africa (Desertification)
2) This is a SCHOOLOGY Assignment…AND use the button link below to enter the Sahel information for these tasks!

Note: BOTH above activities need to be completed & submitted on Schoology!!

Friday -
1) Africa Masks Due & “Show & Tell” next Tuesday
2) Tanzanian Safari - African Scavenger Hunt Activity Sheet Due Monday!

Sunrise over Africa - Mt. Kilimanjaro Summit

The Whole Universe depends on everything fitting together just right...if one piece busts, even the smallest piece...the whole universe gets busted.
— Hushpuppy (Beasts of the Southern Wild)