Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power & magic in it. - Goethe

1) Welcome to World Geography
2) Mountain Monday - Disappointment Peak, Wyo
3) Mr. Gilbert Intro/Slides & Stories
4) Parent Letter/My Geo Story Sheet Handed out (Complete, Get Signed and Back by Wed)

1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
Tour of the World Geography Website! (Bookmark this page)
2) What is Geography? Discussion Notes
3) Parent Letter/My Geo Story Due Tomorrow

1) “What State? Wednesday” - Weekly Instagram Quiz (not graded for fun)
2) Geo Fun Video Clip - Ski the World starring Pro Skier Candid Thovex
Video Extra: “Behind the Scenes of…Ski the World” (watch on own if you like)
3) Hand Out “Geo Boot Camp” Activity Packet**
4) Click HERE to download Geo Boot Camp Activity Packet
**Need Packet for ALL Intro Unit Activities…bring it with you to class EVERYDAY!
5) Quick Overview of Geo Boot Camp Packet/Activities
6) Intro to Geography Notes (5 Themes of Geography) Notes & Discussion (in packet)
7) Parent Letter/My Geo Story Due in Class (give to Mr. Gilbert)
8) Sub Tomorrow…be GOOD!!

Note: Extreme Skiing/Sports Fans= Quiksilver Full Length Film “Few Words” starring our buddy Professional Skier Candid Thovex CLICK to Watch Film (59 min) **optional**

Thursday (Gilbert Gone)
1)  My World Map: Fall 2022 - World Mapping Activity
2) Draw, Label, List…anything and everything you know about the World…spend 30-40 minutes with details! (will need a blank sheet of paper for map creation)
3) Create Map from memory…don’t cheat and be honest with yourself…what do you know NOW?
4) Define “20 Words for Geographers” Vocabulary List (Boot Camp Packet)
5) Quiz on “20 Words” next Wednesday

Need Inspiration for Hand Drawing Maps? Tour the World (Hand Draw USA) - You Tube 4:08

Friday - NO SCHOOL “Labor Day Weekend”
1) City, State, Country Class Activity (Every Friday Fun Quiz)
2) Epic Selfie
3) Name a Country Video - Jimmy Kimmel
4) Create Student File Folder (stays IN classroom)
5) Review “My Geo Story” and Work on Names
6) Review of “Beyond the Walls”


If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or objects. - Einstein

Monday NO SCHOOL “Labor Day”

Tuesday - I can identify the difference between a Physical & Political Map.
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) “20 Words for Geographers” Quizlet Group Challenge (Quiz Review)
3) Click HERE for Quizlet Study Set
4) Finish Student File Folders
5) Intro to Maps Notes & Discussion (Guided Notes in Boot Camp Pkt)
6) Political & Physical Mapping in World Geography (review the Basics)
Note: please fill out guided notes sheet in your Geo Boot Camp Activity Packet

Wednesday - I can locate the major Political and Physical landforms of Australia/Oceania.
1) “What State? Wednesday” - Weekly Instagram Quiz (not graded for fun)
2) 20 Words for Geographers Quiz - Online @ Schoology
3) Political & Physical Mapping in World Geography (review the Basics)
4) Please use Australia ONLINE Atlas for Mapping CLICK HERE to Enter

Thursday - I can engage in a group discussion about local, national, & world events.
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Intro to Beyond the Walls Quarter One (& Beyond)
3) Australia Political/Physical Map Work Time (Geo Boot Camp Packet)
4) Please use Australia ONLINE Atlas for Mapping CLICK HERE to Enter
Note: the creation of ALL personal Maps in World Geo is a BIG PART of what we do and I challenge ALL Geo Students to “kick Butt and take names” when completing…meaning = do a GOOD JOB!

Friday - I can identify the unique plants, animals and physical features of Australia.
1) City, State, Country Class Activity (Every Friday Fun Quiz)
2) Correct 20 Words for Geographers Quiz
3) “Land Before Time” Australia Video CLICK TO WATCH
Note: Complete Video Worksheet in Boot Camp Activity Packet
4) Australia Political/Physical Map Work Time (Geo Boot Camp Packet)
5) Vote for Madeline Lage


The greater danger for most of us isn’t that our aim is too high and miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.” – Michelangelo


Monday - I can identify lines of Latitude & Longitude on the earth’s surface.
1) Mountain Monday - Pico de Orizaba
2) Latitude & Longitude Discussion Notes (guided notes in Boot Camp Packet)
3) Complete “Lat & Long Practice” in Boot Camp Activity Packet

Tuesday - I can locate any location on earth using basic Latitude & Longitude Coordinates.
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Video Review of Lat & Longitude Basics
3) Full Group Lat & Long Practice
4) Complete ALL Lat/Long Activity Sheets in Packet (w/ Friend)

Wednesday - continuation of Tuesday in regards to Lat & Long
1)“What State? Wednesday” - Weekly Instagram Quiz (not graded for fun)
2) Australia Political & Physical Maps Due
3) Finish ALL Lat & Long Pages in Packet (Including Find the Gold)

Thursday - I can identify keys aspects of coral reefs & link it to life on earth.
1) City, State, Country Class Activity (Every Friday Fun Quiz, but on Thursday this week)
2) Per 2 & 3 Hand Back and File Work! (Place items in student file folder)
3) Coral Reef Adventure Imax Film
4) CLICK HERE to download Coral Reef Video/Beyond the Video Worksheet
5) FYI - Gilbert Gone 4th Hour (be nice to sub)

Coral Reef Important Web Links (to be used with “Beyond the Video” Activity Sheet)

Articles about Coral Reefs:
Tourism vs. Conservation
Tourists at the Great Barrier Reef  
Why do we need the Great Barrier Reef?
Everything you need to know about coral bleaching
Causes of coral bleaching
Facts and Statistics
The Great Barrier Reef: Facts and figures   
Animals of the Great Barrier Reef
Coral Bleaching
Video Resources:
Is it too late to repair the Great Barrier Reef?  (11 minutes)
Coral Bleaching 101 (2 minutes)
Climate Change (2 minutes)
Coral Bleaching (2 minutes)
Ocean Acidification (2 minutes)

1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Geo BootCamp Activity Packets Due in Class
3) Coral Reefs “Beyond the Video” Worksheet Continued
4) Per 4Hand Back and File Work! (Place items in student file folder)


“You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.” – Zig Ziglar

Monday - I can explain the geographical boundaries that make up North America.
1) Mountain Monday - Mr. Rainier, Washington
2) North America Activity Packets Handed Out (Preview of Activites)
3) North America Intro Notes & Discussion (Guided Notes in Packet)
4) North America Regions Mapping (on own)
5) CLICK HERE for North America Regions

Tuesday - I can identify and locate ALL US State & Canadian Provinces.
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) North America Political Mapping Work Day (Blank Maps Handed Out)
3) Click Here to enter North America Online Atlas
4) FYI - North America State/Provinces & Capitals Test Monday, Sept 20th
5) NA Political Maps Due
6) Click HERE to Download/Print a North America Political Map
7) Define “Water Terms” Vocab (slideshow of terms)…Quiz Thursday

Wednesday - I can identify and explain the major landmarks of America & Canada.
1)“What State? Wednesday” - Weekly Instagram Quiz (not graded for fun)
2) Greatest Places North America Slideshow & Discussion (Packet Page)
3) FYI - Water Terms Quizlet is Available CLICK HERE (study help for quiz)

Thursday - I can define 10 river system terms.
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) North America River Terms Quiz (Schoology Quiz in Class)
3) State/Capitals Game Link (Use with Daily News)
4) Finish Greatest Places Slideshow
5) Work Time #1 - Regions Map #2 - NA Political Map #3 - Study for Test

Friday - I can explain the significance of the Great Lakes Region to the United States
1) City, State, Country Class Activity (Every Friday Fun Quiz)
2) Great Lakes Regional Focus
3) Great Lakes Textbook Link (use with Act Packet Worksheet)
3) Great Lake “FUN QUIZ”
4) Great Lakes Diagram/Map Activity Packet Completion
5) “Rise and Fall of Great Lakes” Video


Inspiration is for amateurs - the rest of us just show up and get to work. - Chuck Close

Monday - I know my US States/Capitals and my Canadian Provinces/Capitals
1) Mountain Monday - Black Mesa, OK
2) North America Political Maps Due
3) North America State/Provinces & Capitals Test
4) North America Physical Maps Handed Out
5) North America Physical Map Work Time
6) Click HERE to enter North America Online Atlas

Tuesday - I understand how to map my way home using cardinal directions/Streets.
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Intro “School to Home” Mapping Project
3) School to Home Due Wednesday, Oct 5th
4) School to Home Project Work Time

Wednesday - 8th Grade Canoe Trip (No Geo Classes)

Thursday - I can appreciate the vastness and uniqueness of Alaska.
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Alaska Imax Film w/ Video Worksheet
3) “School to Home” Project Work Time

Friday - I can create an original map to my house from school.
1) City, State, Country Class Activity (Every Friday Fun Quiz)
2) “School to Home” Project Work Time


Success isn't always about greatness. It's about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come. - Dwayne Johnson (the Rock)

Monday - I understand the difference between Immigration & Emigration and how if directly affects life in the United States.
1) Mountain Monday - Mt. Elbrus, Russia
2) Immigration & Emigration in the United State Activity Packet Activity
3) Textbook Link for Immigration/Emigration Population Patterns
4) Work Time on Activity Packet in General

Tuesday - I can explain both the similarities/differences in cultural/physical Geography between the United States & Canada.
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Any Last Questions/Concerns about “ “School to Home” ” Project?
3) Canada Fun Quiz
4) Canada Regions Textbook Activity in Small Groups
5) Canada Region Textbook Link
6) Complete People of Power North America (Google)
7) US/Canada Border (GeoTV)
8) Polar Bears/Arctic (Geo TV)
*BOTH Canada Regions & People of Power is homework if not completed!

Wednesday - I will explore the areas of our school district through personal maps created by my peers in World Geography.
1) “What State? Wednesday” - Weekly Instagram Quiz (not graded for fun)
2) School to Home Mapping Project Due in Class
3) School to Home Peer Reviews/Grading
4) Self Grade/Evaluation

Thursday - I will better understand the “ins and outs” of what it means to be, what it takes to manage, and how to enjoy a National Park in America.
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) North America Physical Feature Quizlet HERE
3) Virtual Field Trip - to Yosemite National Park, California
4) Yosemite Climbing Video (Intro to El Capitan Virtual Field Trip Video)
5) El Capitan, Yosemite (Google Trek/Virtual Field Trip Site)
6) Note: need to pick up Field Trip Sheet (Hard copy) from Gilbert

Friday - I understand the basic physical geographical layout of North America.
1) City, State, Country Class Activity (Every Friday Fun Quiz)
2) North America Physical Maps Due in Class
3) North America Physical and Greatest Places Test
4) North America “People of Power” Worksheet in Activity Packet (Google)
5) North America Activity Packets Due next Monday


Travel is not reward for working, it’s education for living. - Anthony Bourdain

Monday - I know what the modern day cultural boundary line is in regards to Latin America.
1) Mountain Monday - Kings Peak, Utah
2) North America Activity Packets Due in Class w/ Yosemite Virtual Field Trip
3) Correct North America Physical & Greatest Places Test
4) Hand Out Latin America Activity Packets
5) Latin America Intro Notes & Discussion
6) Latin America Greatest Places Slideshow
7) Fill out LA Greatest Places Map in Activity Packet

Tuesday - I can identify and locate ALL of the Latin American Countries.
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Finish LA Greatest Places Slideshow
3) Complete “River Terms” Vocab in Activity Packet (Quiz Friday)
3) Hand Out Latin America Political Maps
4) LA Political Mapping Work Time CLICK HERE for LA Online Atlas
5) Maps Due and Test Next Monday (Oct 17th)

Wednesday - I can define what makes a rainforest a rainforest.
1) “What State? Wednesday” - Weekly Instagram Quiz (not graded for fun)
2) What is a Rainforest? (Intro Notes & Discussion) Rainforest Intro NOTES
3) Intro to “Stakeholders” of the Tropical Rainforest
4) Stakeholders Activity Sheet Completion
5) Textbook Link for Stakeholders “Land Use Conflict”

Thursday - I will explore the “ins & outs” of Tropical Rainforests in the world.
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Amazon Film Journey Activity (in Packet)
3) Film Journey Link
4) Time Left Over - return and finish “Stake Holder” Worksheet in Packet
5) River Terms Quizlet

Friday - I will better understand the life of a native Amazonian.
1) City, State, Country Class Activity (Every Friday Fun Quiz)
2) LA River Terms Quiz (List in Activity Packet)
3) LA Political Map Test Monday (Group Review)
4) Rainforest Imax Film (no Video Worksheet) “Fun Movie”
5) Complete LA Regions/Neighborhoods Activity Page


“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” - Nelson Mandela

Monday - I can identify & label the major countries of Latin America.
1) Mountain Monday - Ritacuba Blanca, Columbia
2) Latin America Political Maps Due in Class
3) Latin America Political Map Test
4) Latin America Physical Mapping Work Time
5) LA Physical Test & Activity Packets Due Wed Oct 26th

Tuesday - I understand the differing needs/opinions of people who live in and relay on the Amazon Rainforest in their “day to day” lives.
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Tropical Rainforest Activities
3) Complete ALL Rainforest Activities (final approval from Mr. Gilbert)
4) After today ALL Rainforest Activities in Activity Packet are Homework
5) Stakeholders Activity Sheet Completion
6) Textbook Link for Stakeholders “Land Use Conflict”

Wednesday - Friday


There are some of us who can live without wild things, and some who cannot – Aldo Leopold

Monday - I can identify the animals that have evolved without human influence on the Galapagos Islands of Equador.
1) Mountain Monday - Gyoei jok, South Korea
1) Galapagos Islands Mini-Unit
2) Google Mapping the Galapagos Islands (intro Video)
3) Galapagos Islands Intro Notes/Intro Animals
4) Galapagos Islands Video
5) Galapagos Island ID (within Intro Notes)
6) Color/ID Galapagos Animals (within Intro Notes)

Tuesday - I have a working knowledge of the location and the implications of this particular location of the Galapagos Islands.
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
3) Greatest Places NA Review (Test Tomorrow)
4) Physical Features Quizlet
5) Review North America and Latin America Greatest Places HERE
6) Columbia Vs. USA Demographic Comparison (in activity packet)
7) Columbia Slides and Stories w/ Mr. Gilbert

Wednesday - I understand the basic physical geographical layout of Latin America.
1) “What State? Wednesday” - Weekly Instagram Quiz (not graded for fun)
2) Latin America Physical Maps Due
3) Latin America Physical Map & Greatest Places Test
4) Complete Imports/Exports Activity Sheet
5) is your “People of Power” Activity Sheet done? (in packet)
6) Latin America Activity Packets Due Tomorrow

Thursday - I can explain the geographical boundaries that make up the continent of Europe.
EuroVid of the Day - Welcome to Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwyllllantysiliogogogoch
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) LA Activity Packets Due (Last Graded Assignment of Quarter #1)
3) Hand out Europe Activity Packet
4) Europe Intro Notes & Discussion
5) Europe Greatest Places Slideshow & Discussion

Friday - I can identify and locate ALL the countries of the European Continent.
EuroVid of the Day - UK…Great Britain…England?
1) City, State, Country Class Activity (Every Friday Fun Quiz)
1) Europe Political Mapping Work Time
2) Link to Europe Online Atlas
3) Europe Political Maps Due and Test next Friday
4) Define and Draw Europe Mountain Terms (in Activity Packet)
5) Europe Vocab Quiz Wednesday!!

WEEK TEN - Oct 31st - Nov 4th

Commitment is what transforms a promise into reality. - Abraham Lincoln

Monday - I know the location & basic geographic layout of my Europe City choice.
EuroVid of the Day - The Matterhorn // The Most Recognizable Mountain in the World
1) Mountain Monday
2) Intro “Europe City Tour” Unit Project
3) Europe Study City Lottery (City/Student Assignments)
4) Work Time on Project

Tuesday - Last Day of Quarter #1
EuroVid of the Day - The Day Curious George Escaped Nazi Germany
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) ALL Quarter #1 Late/Missing Work Due IN CLASS
3) ALL Quarter #1 Beyond the Walls Projects Due
4) Beyond the Walls “Show & Tell” (Informal Presenting)
5) Europe Mountain Terms Quizlet
6) Europe Regions Mapping in Activity Packet

Wednesday - Start of Quarter #2 (Please Use NEW Agenda Menu on Website)