WEEK SevenTEEN: MAy 22nd - 26th

“If you don't do it this year, you will be one year older when you do.” - Warren Miller

Monday -
1) Beyond the Walls Qtr #4 Projects Due
2) EVEREST Imax Film (End of Unit Movie) *No Video Worksheet

Tuesday - Greatest Places Final Test

Wednesday - Geo-term Final Test

Thursday - World Map Final Test

Friday - Exploratory Day (No Geo Classes)

WEEK EIGHTEEN: May 29th - June 2nd

A well-educated mind will always have more questions than answers. - Helen Keller

Monday - Memorial Day No School


Wednesday- Last Day of World Geography
1) “What State? Wednesday” - Weekly Instagram Quiz (not graded for fun)
2) Correct ALL Final Tests (Greatest Places, Geo-Term, World Map)
3) ALL Late/Missing Work Due
4) Final Thoughts with Mr. Gilbert

Thursday - 8th Grade Farewell & Valleyfair Field Trip


WEEK TEN: April 3rd - 7th

“Educate and inform the whole mass of the people. They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty.” - Thomas Jefferson

Monday - 1st Day of Quarter #4 #BAM
1) Europe Video Of the Day - Sweden: “Sweden’s Great Meatball Mystery”
2) Mtn Terms Quiz Tomorrow Mtn Term Quizlet
3) Intro Europe Unit Project - Europe City Walking Tour
4) Europe City Lottery (will get Walking Tour City Assignments)
*List of Major Europe Cities by Population (for possible project choices)

Tuesday - I have a deeper understanding of life for humans in the Alps.
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Europe Mountain Terms Quiz
3) Mini Mountain Film Festival - “The Alps”
Exploring Swiss Alps by Cablecar
Ride a Wooden Sled down a Swiss Alp
Mt. Elbrus Summit w/ Mr. Gilbert & Mr. Honkomp (High Point of Eur)
Roof Top Ski Avoriaz, France
Paraglide to Work in Switzerland
The Matterhorn // The Most Recognizable Mountain in the World
4) Complete “Mountain of Europe” Worksheet in Activity Packet with a Friend

Wednesday - I am preparing my Europe City Walking Tour for peer review.
1) Europe Video Of the Day - The Day Curious George Escaped the Nazis
2) Finish Up Europe Greatest Places Slideshow
3) “What State? Wednesday” - Weekly Instagram Quiz (not graded for fun)
4) Europe Unit Project Work Time - Europe City Walking Tour
5) Europe Regions/Neighborhoods Activity Page Completion

Thursday - I can define demography & apply it to the population of Europe.
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2)Europe Video Of the Day - No Roads No Cars Just Boats
3) Europe Political Maps Due & Test Tomorrow (Group Quizlet Review)
Power Countries Quizlet CLICK HERE Country/Capitals CLICK HERE
4) Intro to Demography Notes & Discussion
5) Complete Page #1 of Demography in Activity Packet
“Population Equation”
6) Population and Demography of Europe Chapter 15 in Text Link

Friday - Early Release Day (shortened school schedule)
1) Europe Video Of the Day - The Town in Two Countries
2) Europe Political Maps Due & Test (Countries and Capitals of Europe POWER Countries)
3) Europe Physical Maps Handed Out Europe Online Atlas
4) Europe Physical Map Work Time

WEEK ELEVEN: April 10th - 14th

“We must all either wear out or rust out, every one of us. My choice is to wear out.”
- Theodore Roosevelt

Monday- NO School Easter Break

Tuesday - I can use a population pyramid to project future growth/decline of a countries population.
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
1) Europe Video Of the Day - The British Monarchy Explained
3) Demography Continued…Population Pyramids
4) TedED Talk - Population Pyramids (Video)
5) Complete Page #2 of Demography in Activity Packet
6) Population Pyramid Web Link (to be used with Act Pack)

Wednesday - I am preparing my Europe City Walking Tour for peer review.
1) “What State? Wednesday” - Weekly Instagram Quiz (not graded for fun)
2) Europe Video Of the Day - How Lamborghini Began: A Story of Vehicular Vengeance
3) Work Day…Walking Tour
4) Walking Tour Link Sent to Gilbert (during class period)

1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Europe Video Of the Day - The Hungarian City Built Over 80 Underwater Caves
3) Europe Walking Tours Due in Class
4) Peer & Self Evaluate Walking Tours “Europe Tour Tour” (Schoology Assignment)
5) Europe Tour Tours due at Midnight (Schoology Assignment)
6) Activity Packet Pages - Europe Regions/Neighborhoods & People of Power??

Friday - I can explain the basics of the EU Economic agreement within the European continent.
1) Europe Video Of the Day - Holland vs. Netherlands
2) The European Union - Class Activity/Discussion (and complete Activity Page)
3) Values of the EU Video
4) European Union Text Chapter Link (to be used to complete EU Activity Pages)
5) EU Basics Website
6) Europe Video Extra - The EU Explained
7) Mapping the EU (Use this link to fill out map - 27 Member Countries)
8) Europe Physical Maps Due & Test Monday! Physical Feature Quizlet
9) Greatest Places of Europe Flashcards *note: LA & US/Canada will also be included

WEEK TWELVE: April 17th - 21st

Commitment is what transforms a promise into reality. - Abraham Lincoln

Monday - I can locate and label the major physical features of Europe.
2) Europe Video of the Day - Riding Sidecar w/ the Motorcycle Bros
2) Europe Physical Map Due
3) Europe Physical Map and Greatest Places Test
4) Europe Activity Packet Work Time (Due Tomorrow)

1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Europe Video Of the Day - Penny Farthing Racing is still a Thing!
3) Europe Activity Packets Due
4) Correct Europe Physical Map & Greatest Places Test
3) The Alps Imax Film “End of Unit Fun Movie (no Video Worksheet)

Wednesday - I can identify where Africa is & what makes it unique to the rest of the world & I can identify and explain the major physical & cultural landmarks of Africa.
1) “What State? Wednesday” - Weekly Instagram Quiz (not graded for fun)
2) Africa Political Maps Handed Out
3) Africa Political Mapping Work Time
4) Africa Political Maps Due and Test Next Thursday
5) Africa Online Atlas CLICK HERE

Thursday - I can identify and locate ALL of the African Countries.
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Africa Activity Packets Handed Out
3) Africa Intro Notes & Discussion
4) Africa Greatest Places Slideshow & Discussion

Friday- I understand the project details & goals of the African Mask Project.
1) Intro “African Milk Jug Mask Project
2) Mask Project due Next Friday (April 28th)
3) Define Africa “Land Terms” in Activity Packet (Quiz Tuesday April 25th)


Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference - Winston Churchill

Monday - I can locate the Serengeti on a Map & identify the animals that depend on this great land migration throughout the year.
1) Land Terms Quizlet (Land Terms Quiz Tomorrow)
1) Serengeti Imax Flim w/ Video Worksheet (in Activity Packet)
2) Label & Color the Big 5 in Activity Packet
3) Share African Mask Ideas?

Tuesday - I can explain why Africa is so susceptible to diseases and illness.
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Land Terms Quiz
3) Intro - Understanding Africa Through Disease Web Quest
4) Complete “Understanding Africa Through Disease” Activity Sheets in Packet

Wednesday - I can explain why Africa is so susceptible to diseases and illness.
1) “What State? Wednesday” - Weekly Instagram Quiz (not graded for fun)
2) Africa Political Map Quizlet Challenge
4) Correct Land Term Quiz
3) Complete “Understanding Africa Through Disease” Web Quest

Thursday -
I can identify & label the 20 Power Countries of the African Continent.
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Africa Political Maps Due
3) Africa Political Map Test (Power Countries & Capitals
4) Africa Physical Maps Handed Out/Work Time
5) Online Africa Atlas

Friday - I will have a better understanding of the actual size of the African Continent and all the different cultural zones.
1) Africa Trek Video Adventure
2) Video worksheet in Activity Packet
3) African Mask Projects Due
4) Peer Share and Peer Review


The way to develop the best that is in a person is by appreciation and encouragement. - Charles Schwab

Monday- I will have a better understanding of the actual size of the African Continent and all the different cultural zones.
1) Continue/Finish Africa Trek Video Adventure
2) Video worksheet in Activity Packet
3) Africa Activity Packet and/or Africa Physical Map Work Time

Tuesday- I can describe locations of human populations and cultural characteristics of African nations.
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
3) Intro Africa Culture Exhibit Project
4) Africa Study Country Assignments (students & study countries listed)

Wednesday- I can describe how physical and environmental features affect human activity and settlement.
1) “What State? Wednesday” - Weekly Instagram Quiz (not graded for fun)
2) Africa Physical Quizlet
3) Africa Culture Project Research & Work Time
4) Please visit Schoology for Research Doc “Building My Africa Culture Project”
5) Submit the above doc when completed!

Thursday - I can locate and label the major physical features of Europe.
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Africa Physical Maps Due
3) Africa Physical Map & Greatest Places Test
4) Africa Activity Packet Work Time

Friday - I can compare and contrast the general quality of life/ways of life within the general population of people throughout the continent of Africa.
1) Africa Culture Project Placard Due (Black Display Placard)
2) Africa Culture “Walk About” Activity
3) Work on “Africa Culture Exhibit Report” (will receive a hard copy from Gilbert)
4) Note “Life in the Sahara & Sahel: Adapting to a Desert Region” (Extra Credit)
5) Chapter 20 Textbook “Life in the Sahara/Sahel”

WEEK FifTEEN: MAY 8th - 12th

Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great. - Mark Twain

Monday - I can explain why the ancient Egyptians moved their sacred burial location from Giza to the Valley of the Kings.
1) Mysteries of Egypt Imax Film w/ Video Worksheet in Act Packet VIDEO LINK
2) Africa Activity Packets Due (After Film)
Note: Sahel Packet Pages are “extra credit” see Gilbert for a Textbook if interested or use online link! 4)
Intro “Life in the Sahara & Sahel: Adapting to a Desert Region” (in Act Packet)
Chapter 20 Textbook “Life in the Sahara/Sahel”
3) Asia Activity Packet Handed Out
4) Asia Intro Notes & Discussion
4) Asia Greatest Places Slideshow & Discussion
5) Define “Asia Ocean Terms” in Activity Packet (Quiz Friday)

Tuesday - I know where Asia is on the planet and can highlight a few unique aspects of this continent in comparison to the other world continents.
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Asia Greatest Places Slideshow & Discussion
3) Asia Political & Physical Maps Handed Out
4) Asia Political Mapping CLICK HERE for Online Atlas
5) Asia Political & Physical Maps Due & Test Wednesday May 17th
*Note: NO Asia Physical Map/Greatest Places Test for Asia Unit

Wednesday -
) Arabia Imax Film w/ Video Worksheet (Activity Packet)
2) Asia Political & Physical Maps Handed Out
3) Asia Political Mapping CLICK HERE for Online Atlas
4) Asia Political & Physical Maps Due & Test Wednesday May 17th

Thursday - I will explore different aspects of Asia culture in a small group.
1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Asia Ocean Terms Quizlet
3) Clean out Student File Folders
4) Explain Final Tests for World Geography (Greatest Places & World Map Final)
5) Hand out World Map Final Study Guide
6) Asia Stations Web Link & Intro Stations Unit

Friday - I understand the basic goal and requirements of the 3 final tests in World Geography.
1) Asia Ocean Terms Quiz
2) Asia Station Group Work Time
3) Asia Stations Web Link
4) Asia Station Group Work Time


What is love? Love is playing every game like it's your last. - Micheal Jordan

1) Asia Stations Group Work Time
2) Asia Stations Web Link

1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Asia Political Power Countries Quizlet
3) Asia Stations Web Link
4) Asia Station Group Work Time
5) FYI - Asia Maps Due TOMORROW

1) “What State? Wednesday” - Weekly Instagram Quiz (not graded for fun)
2) Asia Political AND Physical Maps Due
3) NO Asia Physical Map/Greatest Places Test
4) Asia Political Map Test (Asia Power Countries)
5) Arabia Imax Film w/ Video Worksheet (Activity Packet)

1) What’s Up in the World - BiWeekly Current Events Discussion
2) Asia Stations Web Link
3) Asia Station Group Work Time
4) Asia Activity Packet Due Tomorrow in Class

1) Asia Stations Packet Due & Asia Activity Packets Due
2) Study Time for Geo Finals (World Map, Geoterm & Greatest Places)