Period Two: 8:40 - 9:10am
Note: Wednesdays = students work on a “Shortened Schedule”…we will NOT meet IN PERSON on
Wednesdays, but there will be an online expectation within the Geo Schedule below!
Connect with Mr. Gilbert -
WEEK THree - February 8th - 12th
“Climate Control #2 - Elevation”
Mon: Live Zoom!
1) Video Clip - Snow Guardian
3) Video Clip #2 - Mountain Weather: A Climbers Story
4) Intro Climate Control #2 - Elevation Discussion Notes
**Climate Doc Entry: Elevation Discussion Notes (no need for Video Reviews in Climate Doc)
Tues: Live Zoom!
1) Adiabatic Lab Day…Schoology Assignment
2) Adiabatic Lab Sheets Handed Out (Basic Explanation of Lab)
3) Remember to read ALL Directions
4) Adiabatic Rate Basics Explained (not a required video, but will help if stuck on lab)
**Climate Doc Entry: No Official Entry Needed, but complete the Schoology Assignment!
Breathtaking: K2 - The World’s Most Dangerous Mountain
**Climate Doc Entry: while watching the “K2” film answer the following questions and include them in this week’s Doc…Questions below can be found within the Schoology Climate Doc for Week #3
K2 Video Questions…
1) How many 8000 meter mountains in the world?
2) What is K2?
3) What is the elevation of K2 in meters and feet?
4) What is “climbing in the death zone” mean?
5) In the climbing world…K2 is considered what?
6) More people have been to outer space than have done what on K2?
7) How many days does it take to hike to the basecamp of K2? (FYI Climb starts at Basecamp)
8) What elevation is K2 Basecamp?
9) Briefly explain the details of why the weather on K2 is so bad.
10) Using the basic calculation for Dry Adiabatic Rate…if it is 32 degree at basecamp…what is the temperature on the summit of K2?
Thurs: Live Zoom!
CLICK HERE for Climate Walk Observation Checklist
CLIMATE WALK…20 min Walk Outside! (bring a pet, sibling or your parents for fun) this is simply a 20 minute walk outside to observe the changing seasons throughout the quarter. AND we live in Minnesota, so quite a bit goes on throughout our changing seasonal landscape.
**Climate Doc Entry: “Climate Walk” (include ALL Checklist Observations) (for looking up weather details)
THURSDAY TURN IN…Submit “Climate Doc” in Schoology by 3pm
FYI - Weekly Climate Document = 20pts in Portal
WEEK #4 - February 15th - 19th
Monday, Dec 7th - Live Zooms! NO SCHOOL DAY
1) Climate Control #3 - Topography Notes & Discussion
2) Intro - Topography Road Trip Lab
3) Road Trip Lab Work Day is on Wednesday! (3 Pictures per Location
**Google Doc Entry: include “Topography Notes” summary
Tuesday, Dec 8th - Live Zooms!
EVEREST Imax Film (45 min) the ULTIMATE Micro-Climate
**Google Doc Entry: In YOUR OWN WORDS…brief description of Everest Imax
Wednesday, Dec 9th
1) Topography Road Trip Lab work Time
2) Lab Link - Topography Road Trip Lab
2) Share Road Trip Lab Slideshow with Mr. Gilbert by 3pm
**No Google Doc Entry
Thursday, Dec 10th - Live Zooms!
1) Environmental Zone Map Work Day (see map Example Below)
2) Completed (Colored) Environmental Zone Map Due Friday w/ Climate Doc
3) CLICK HERE to download/print Environmental Zone Map
**No Google Doc Entry
Friday, Dec 11th - Live Zooms!
1) Review Topography Road Trip Lab
2) Environment Zone Map Due in Class
3) CLIMATE WALK Outside!
**Google Doc Entry: “Climate Walk” (include ALL Checklist Observations)
CLICK HERE for Climate Walk Observation Checklist
FRIDAY TURN IN…Climate Google Doc Due by 3pm (Share this document via email)
Send Docs to
FYI - Weekly Climate Document = 20pts in Portal
Week #5: February 22nd - 26th
“Climate Control #4 - PREVAILING WINDS”
Mon: Live Zoom!
1) “500 Miles to Nowhere” - “fun wind video” (no need to summarize in notes)
2) Intro Climate Control #4: Prevailing Winds Discussion Notes
3) Online Map - Current Prevailing Winds (real time)
4) FYI - Global Winds Map Creation This week (Wednesday Activity & Due w/ Climate Doc)
**Google Doc Entry: “Prevailing Winds Discussion Notes”
Tues: Live Zoom!
1) Rise of the Super Storm (50 min)
2) Schoology Assignment
**Google Doc Entry: None, but complete and SUBMIT Schoology Assignment
1) Download and Printable Global Winds Map (Be neat and Colorful to see all the details!)
2) Map - World Prevailing Winds Map (Example to be used to create your personal map)
Thurs: Live Zoom!
1) Sculpting the Wind
2) Sky Racing w/ Wind Power
3) Climbing Wind Turbines for a Living
**Google Doc Entry: “Climate Video Shorts” & include a brief description of each of the 3 videos
Fri: Live Zoom!
1) Global Winds Map Due (Include in Weekly Weather Doc)
**Google Doc Entry: “Climate Walk” (include ALL Checklist Observations)
CLICK HERE for Climate Walk Observation Checklist
FRIDAY TURN IN…Climate Google Doc Due by Noon (Share this document via email)
Send Docs to
FYI - Weekly Climate Document = 20pts in Portal
Week #6: March 1st - 5th
“Climate Walk Week”
Mon: Live Zoom!
1) Quick Zoom Check In w/ Mr. Gilbert
**Google Doc Entry: “Climate Walk” (include ALL Checklist Observations)
CLICK HERE for Climate Walk Observation Checklist
Tues: Live Zoom!
1) Quick Zoom Check In w/ Mr. Gilbert
CLICK HERE for Climate Walk Observation Checklist
“FRIDAY” TURN IN…Climate Google Doc Due by Noon (Share this document via email)
Send Docs to
FYI - Weekly Climate Document = 20pts in Portal
Wednesday, Dec 23rd - 25th - NO SCHOOL HOLIDAY BREAK!
Week #7: March 15th - 19th
Climate Control #5 - “Ocean Currents”
Mon: Live Zoom!
1) Ocean Currents Notes - Climate Control #5 (include in your Climate Google Doc)
2) Ocean Currents Map Handed Out
**Google Doc Entry: include “Ocean Current” summary of notes
Tues: Live Zoom!
1) Ocean Current Lab (don’t forget to use Ocean Current Notes and basic Google searching to complete entire Lab report)
2) Ocean Current Lab will be a Schoology Assignment
3) Desmos Graph Creator CLICK HERE TO ENTER DESMOS (you will need this to create graphs for this lab report…include graphs in End of Week Google Report)
**Google Doc Entry: “Ocean Lab Report” attach lab to end of week Climate Doc w/ graphs
1) Ocean Current Mapping Activity (see Surface Currents Map Below)
2) Maps Due TOMORROW as you walk into class!
Thur: Live Zoom!
**Google Doc Entry: “Climate Walk” (include ALL Checklist Observations)
CLICK HERE for Climate Walk Observation Checklist
Fri: Live Zoom!
Ocean Current Video Clips
1) Video #1 - National Geographic “Ocean Conveyor Belt/Currents”
2) Video #2 - NOAA “The Motion of the Ocean”
3) Video #3 - NASA “Perpetual Ocean” (as video plays read info in paragraphs below video)
**Google Doc Entry: “Ocean Current Videos”…please summarize all videos in your own words
FRIDAY TURN IN…Climate Google Doc Due by Noon (Share this document via email)
Send Docs to
FYI - Weekly Climate Document = 20pts in Portal
Week #8: March 22nd - 26th
Climate Control #6 -
“Nearness to a Large Body of Water”
Mon: Live Zoom!
1) Nearness to a Large Body of Water Discussion/Notes - Climate Control #6
2) Remember…this is the LAST Week of the Quarter! (and last week of Climate)
**Google Doc Entry: include “Ocean Current” summary of notes
Tues: Live Zoom!
Climate Video of Week - Specific Heat Video
Note: Video discusses the technological side of how/why Specific Heat Works with Climate
**Google Doc Entry: “Specific Heat Video”…please summarize video in your own words
1) Specific Heat Lab …Schoology Assignment
2) Desmos Graph Creator CLICK HERE TO ENTER DESMOS
**Google Doc Entry: please include Specific Lab Report with Week #9 Climate Doc
Thur: Live Zoom!
Fri: Live Zoom!
**Google Doc Entry: “Climate Walk” (include ALL Checklist Observations)
CLICK HERE for Climate Walk Observation Checklist
FRIDAY TURN IN…Climate Google Doc Due by Noon (Share this document via email)
Send Docs to
FYI - Weekly Climate Document = 20pts in Portal
WEEK #9: March 29th - April 2nd
“Last Week of Climate”
Mon: Live Zoom!
Tues: Live Zoom!
1) Quick Zoom Check In w/ Mr. Gilbert
**Google Doc Entry: “Climate Walk” (include ALL Checklist Observations)
CLICK HERE for Climate Walk Observation Checklist
3) Week #9 Climate Doc Due
**Google Doc Entry: “Climate Walk” (include ALL Checklist Observations)
CLICK HERE for Climate Walk Observation Checklist
“FRIDAY” TURN IN…Climate Google Doc Due by Noon (Share this document via email)
Send Docs to
FYI - Weekly Climate Document = 20pts in Portal
Thursday, Jan 21st - Live Zoom!
1) ALL Late/Missing Work Due by 3pm
2) Week #9 Climate Doc Due
3) Final Live Zoom as a Class
4) End of Quarter Survey (Live Link will be shared Thursday during Class)
Note: “End of Quarter Survey” is an assignment…you are NOT graded on answers, but will receive 20pts in Grade Portal for completing…thanks!
Friday, Jan 22nd - Start of 3rd Quarter
Week #1: JAnuary 25 - 29th
CLimate Topic - “Climate VS Weather”
Mon: Live Zoom!
Climate vs. Weather Notes/Discussion
**Climate Doc Entry: include “Climate vs. Weather” & include summary of notes
Tues: Live Zoom!
Notes: The 6 Climate Controls - please read through the details of this set of Discussion Notes on your own…please give a brief summary of these notes in your weekly Climate Google Doc. The information within this slideshow is an introduction of the weeks ahead. FYI - we will have a week dedicated to Each of the 6 Climate Controls. (Get to know em)
**Climate Doc Entry: include “6 Climate Controls” & include summary of notes
Note: Videos are a preview of our Climate vs. Discussion that we will have in class tomorrow
Video - Crash Course in Climate vs. Weather
Video - Dog vs Man
Video - The Geography of Climate
**Climate Doc Entry: “Climate Video Reviews” & include a brief description of each video
Thur: Live Zoom!
1) Intro “Climate Walks” in Climatology
2) Reminder…No Live Zoom Tomorrow (Gilbert out)
3) Review of the Week and Preview Friday Doc “Turn in Procedure”
**No Climate Doc Entry**
Fri: NO LIVE Zoom (Mr. Gilbert Personal Day)
CLICK HERE for Climate Walk Observation Checklist
CLIMATE WALK…20 min Walk Outside! (bring a pet, sibling or your parents for fun) this is simply a 20 minute walk outside to observe the changing seasons throughout the quarter. AND we live in Minnesota, so quite a bit goes on throughout our changing seasonal landscape.
**Climate Doc Entry: “Climate Walk” (include ALL Checklist Observations) (for looking up weather details)
FRIDAY TURN IN…Submit “Climate Doc” in Schoology by 3pm
FYI - Weekly Climate Document = 20pts in Portal
WEEK #2: February 1st - 5th
Mon: Live Zoom!
1) Intro Notes - Latitude as a Climate Control
2) Notes Continued - Latitude & Longitude Basics
**Climate Doc Entry: “Latitude Introduction” discussion notes
Tues: Live Zoom!
1) Lat and Long “Find the Gold” Activity Sheet (Schoology Assignment)
2) Lat & Long Review Video (NOT Required, but might be nice if you are lost)
3) World Map #1 (to be used with Find the Gold)
4) World Map #2 (to be used with Find the Gold)
**No Climate Doc Entry, but COMPLETE “Find the Gold” Schoology Assignment
Note: Videos are a review of this weeks topic on Latitude
Video Clip - How Latitude affects Climate?
Video Clip - Lat & Long Intro
**Climate Doc Entry: “Climate Video Reviews” & include a brief description of each video
Thurs: Live Zoom!
CLICK HERE for Climate Walk Observation Checklist
CLIMATE WALK…20 min Walk Outside! (bring a pet, sibling or your parents for fun) this is simply a 20 minute walk outside to observe the changing seasons throughout the quarter. AND we live in Minnesota, so quite a bit goes on throughout our changing seasonal landscape.
**Climate Doc Entry: “Climate Walk” (include ALL Checklist Observations) (for looking up weather details)
THURSDAY TURN IN…Submit “Climate Doc” in Schoology by 3pm
FYI - Weekly Climate Document = 20pts in Portal