World Geography Daily Schedule

WEEK Seventeen - May 24th - 28th

The goal is not to be better than the other man, but your previous self. - Dalai Lama

Monday, May 24th
1) Asia Stations Packet Due - Asia Stations Link
2) Final Test Prep
3) Missing Work/Missing Test? (Organization Day)
CLICK HERE for World Map Final Study Guide
CLICK HERE for Greatest Places Final Quizlet

Tuesday, May 25th
1) Shakleton’s Adventure - Antarctica Video (no Video Worksheet)
2) Study/Prep for World Map Final and Greatest Places Final Tests

Wednesday, May 26th -
1) Asia Physical Maps Due in Class
2) World Map Final Test

Thursday, May 27th -
1) Asia Activity Packets Due
2) Greatest Places Final Test

Friday, May 28th
1) ALL 4th Quarter Missing/Late Work Due
2) Final Test “Make Up” Day

WEEK Eighteen - May 31st - June 2nd

“Every man’s life ends the same way. It is only the details of how he lived and how he died that distinguish one man from another.” - Ernest Hemingway

Monday, May 31st - NO SCHOOL Memorial Day

Tuesday, June 1st
1) Last Day of World Geo
2) Correct Final Tests
3) Gilbert Final Thoughts

Wednesday, June 2nd - 8th Grade Canoe Trip (No Geo Classes)

a look back…


Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power & magic in it. - Goethe

Monday, Jan 25th - Live Zoom
1) Map Dots - Instagram
2) Review/Tour of the World Geography Website!
3) What is Geography? Discussion Notes
4) Click HERE to download Geo Boot Camp Activity Packet
**Need Packet for ALL Intro Unit Activities
**Packets Available for Pick-Up at School in Main Hallway

Tuesday, Jan 26th - Live Zoom
1) Geo Fun Video Clip - Ski the World starring Pro Skier Candid Thovex
2) Video Extra: “Behind the Scenes of…Ski the World” (watch on own if you like)
2) Advised to have earbuds/earphones for our Live Zooms
3) What is Geography Continued?
4) Video Extra: Octopus Punching Fish Video (From Weird News)

Note: Extreme Skiing/Sports Fans= Quiksilver Full Length Film “Few Words” starring our buddy Professional Skier Candid Thovex CLICK to Watch Film (59 min) **optional**

Wednesday, Jan 27th
Geo Video Clip Review - any interesting look at Geography!
1) Epic Selfie
2) Name a Country Video - Jimmy Kimmel
3) Qatar (note…there is ONE Question to answer BEFORE viewing!)
4) Complete “Geo Intro Video Review” Schoology Assignment

Thursday, Jan 28th - Live Zoom
1) Preview Friday’s Mapping Assignment
2) Intro - Geo Boot Camp Unit
3) Define “20 Words for Geographers” Vocabulary List (Boot Camp Packet)
4) My Geography Story Activity Packet Sheet Completed (Boot Camp Packet)
5) CLICK HERE to Download Boot Camp Packet (then print)
6) FYI - these packets are available for at school pick-up

Friday, Jan 29th - NO Live Zoom (Gilbert Gone)
1)  My World Map: Winter 2021 - World Mapping Activity
2) Draw, Label, List…anything and everything you know about the World…spend 30-40 minutes with details! (will need a blank sheet of paper for map creation)
3) Create Map from memory…don’t cheat and be honest with yourself…what do you know NOW?
4) Please Take a picture of your hand drawn WORLD MAP and send it to me…I am not grading you on artistic ability…I will grade you on effort! (like seriously take 40 min for these maps)
Note: Maps meed to be sent to Mr. Gilbert’s email ( by 3pm

Need Inspiration for Hand Drawing Maps? Tour the World (Hand Draw USA) - You Tube 4:08

WEEK TWO - February 1st - 5th

If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or objects. - Einstein

Monday, Feb 1st - Live Zoom
1) Map Dots - Instagram
2) 5 Themes of Geography Notes & Discussion (Guided Notes in Boot Camp Pkt)
3) Review 20 Words for Geographers (Quiz Wednesday)
Note: please fill out guided notes sheet in your Geo Boot Camp Activity Packet

Tuesday, Feb 2nd - Live Zoom
1) Intro to Maps Notes & Discussion
2) Political & Physical Mapping in World Geography (review the Basics)
3) “20 Words for Geographers” Quizlet
Note: please fill out guided notes sheet in your Geo Boot Camp Activity Packet

Wednesday, Feb 3rd
1) 20 Words for Geographers Quiz - Online @ Schoology
Note: the “20 Words Quiz” will be open from 7am to 7pm on Wednesday, Feb 3rd…quiz MUST be taken during this time period…12 hours is more than enough time!
2) Complete Australia Political Map in Geo Boot Camp Packet
3) Please use Australia ONLINE Atlas for Mapping CLICK HERE to Enter
Note: the creation of ALL personal Maps in World Geo is a BIG PART of what we do and I challenge ALL Geo Students to “kick Butt and take names” when completing…meaning = do a GOOD JOB!

Thursday, Feb 4th - Live Zoom
1) Instagram City State Country Fun Quiz!
2) “Land Before Time” Australia Video (on own after class Zoom session)
Note: Complete Video Worksheet in Boot Camp Activity Packet

Friday, Feb 5th - NO SCHOOL

WEEK THree - February 8th - 12th

The greater danger for most of us isn’t that our aim is too high and miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.” – Michelangelo

Monday, Feb 8th - Live Zoom
1) Map Dots Instagram
2) Latitude & Longitude Discussion Notes (guided notes in Boot Camp Packet)
3) Complete “Lat & Long Practice” in Boot Camp Activity Packet
4) CROSS OUT “Find the Gold” Packet Activity Sheet (no need to complete)

Tuesday, Feb 9th - Live Zoom
1) “My Geography Story” Group Discussion (for fun!)
2) Review of Lat & Longitude
3) Complete “Islands of Australia & Oceania” Lat/Long Activity Sheet in Packet

Wednesday, Feb 10th
1) Complete Australia Physical Map in Geo Boot Camp Packet
2) Please use Australia ONLINE Atlas for Mapping CLICK HERE to Enter
Note: the creation of ALL personal Maps in World Geo is a BIG PART of what we do and I challenge ALL Geo Students to “kick Butt and take names” when completing…meaning = do a GOOD JOB!

Thursday, Feb 11th - Live Zoom
1) City State Country Instagram “FUN” Quiz
2) Australia/New Zealand “Slides and Stories” w/ Mr. Gilbert
3) Make sure ALL “Geo Boot Camp” Pages are Completed and Ready for Turn In
4) Are your Australia Map Neat? Black Ink? Colored completely? Universal Map Features present?
5) Bootcamp Packets Due upon YOUR Return to School!
6) LAST DAY of FULL ONLINE…moving to Hybrid starting next week! #BAM

Friday, Feb 12th - NO SCHOOL

WEEK Four - February 15th - 19th

“You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.” – Zig Ziglar

Monday, Feb 15th - NO SCHOOL Prez Day

Tuesday, Feb 16th - ONLINE
1) A-K Geo Flex Day…due to schedule NO NEW Assignment
2) Use Extra Time to Complete ALL Geo Boot Camp Pages
3) See you on Thursday!!
**A-K Geo students do have option to pick up North America Materials at school

Wednesday, Feb 17th - ONLINE
1) North America Political Mapping Work Day
2) Click Here to enter North America Online Atlas
3) FYI - North America State/Provinces & Capitals Test Thurs Feb 25th
4) NA Political Maps Due Thurs Feb 25th
**A-K Geo students do have option to pick up North America Materials at school
5) Click HERE to Download/Print a North America Political Map

Thursday, Feb 18th - IN SCHOOL
1) Instagram Map Dots & Weekly Insta Fun Quiz (Due to only “in school” day of week)
2) Geo Boot Camp Due (Hand In)
3) Review Classroom Covid Safety & Procedure
4) Create Seating Chart next Monday…Students Choose!
5) “My Geography Story” Fun Discussion
6) Hand out North America Activity Packet
7) Define “Water Terms” Vocab…Quiz Monday!
8) Hand out North America Political Maps

Friday, Feb 19th - ONLINE
1) Complete “People in Power” Packet Page
2) Review/Study North America Water Terms for Quiz Monday
3) FYI - Terms Quizlet is Available CLICK HERE

WEEK FIVE - February 22nd - 26th

Inspiration is for amateurs - the rest of us just show up and get to work. - Chuck Close

Monday, Feb 22nd - IN SCHOOL
1) Instagram Map Dots
2) North America “Water Terms Quiz”
3) North America Intro Notes & Discussion (Guided Notes in Packet)
4) Greatest Places North America Slideshow & Discussion (Packet Page)

Tuesday, Feb 23rd - ONLINE
1) Complete “North America Regions” Map in Activity Packet
2) Link to Regions Slideshow
3) Prep/Study for North America Political Map Test (Thurs. Feb 25th)
Note: there are a few Quizlet options for study in the Map Central Page

Wednesday, Feb 24th - ONLINE
1) Watch - “Rise and Fall of Great Lakes”
2) Complete Schoology Assignment - Rise and Fall of Great Lakes Video Review Due by 3:05pm
3) Complete Great Lakes Region and Profile of Great Lakes Packet Pages
Great Lakes Region Textbook Link (if you need it to help with worksheet)

Thursday, Feb 25th - IN SCHOOL
1) North America Political Maps Due
2) North America State/Provinces & Capitals Test
3) North America Physical Maps Handed Out
4) Great Lakes Challenge - In School “Fun Quiz”
5) Review Great Lakes Worksheets from Packet

Friday, Feb 26th - ONLINE
1) North America Physical Map Work Time
2) Click HERE to enter North America Online Atlas
3) FYI - North America Physical Maps Due Monday, March 1st

WEEK Six - March 1st - 5th

Success isn't always about greatness. It's about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success.
Greatness will come. - Dwayne Johnson (the Rock)

Monday, Mar 1st - IN SCHOOL
1) North America Physical Maps Due
2) Immigration vs. Emigration Discussion
3) Push vs Pull Factors for Migration Video Clip
4) Complete the Immigration/Emigration Worksheet in Activity Packet
5) Link to Migration to the United States (Textbook Chapter)
6) Hand Out Yosemite National Park Virtual Field Trip Document

Tuesday, Mar 2nd - ONLINE
1) Complete the Regions of Canada Worksheet in NA Activity Packet
2) CLICK HERE Textbook Link for Regions of Canada (Need this for packet Worksheet)
3) GeoVideo Clip (For Fun) The US/Canada Border (seriously interesting)

Wednesday, Mar 3rd - ONLINE (Gilbert Gone - Personal Day)
1) Yosemite National Park Virtual Field Trip
2) CLICK HERE to Yosemite Google Map Adventure

Thursday, Mar 4th - IN SCHOOL (Gilbert Gone - Personal Day)
1) Alaska Imax Film w/ Video Worksheet
2) North America Activity Packets Due in Class (after Video)
3) Yosemite Google Map Adventure Work Time (Due after Break)


WEEK SEVEN - March 15th - 19th

The more that you read, the more things you will know, the more that you learn,
the more places you’ll go.”– Dr. Suess

Monday, Mar 15th - NO SCHOOL

Tuesday, Mar 16th
1) Quick Review of Geo Schedule/Seating Chart/MCA Science Testing Next Week
2) Canada eh! (How well do you know Canada?)

Wednesday, Mar 17th
1) El Capitan Virtual Field Trip Due
2) Grand Canyon Imax River Adventure (End of Unit “Fun” Movie)
**No Video Worksheet**
4) Review ALL North America Packet Pages…completed?
FYI - NA Activity Packet Due Thursday in Class

Thursday, Mar 18th
1) Instagram City State Country Fun Quiz!
2) North America Activity Packets Due
3) Hand out Latin America Activity Packet (NEW Unit)
4) Latin America Intro Notes & Discussion
5) Latin America Greatest Places Slideshow & Discussion
6) Complete River System Vocabulary Page in Activity Packet
7) River System Vocab Slideshow
FYI - LA Activity Packets Due April 2nd

Friday, Mar 19th
1) Latin America Political Map Work Time
2) Online LA Atlas Page
3) Latin America Political Maps Due and Test is Next Thursday
4) LA “Power Countries” (the 20 countries that will be on Political Map Test)
4) Reminder! - you will be taking Science MCA tests Next Mon/Tuesday! (No Geo)

WEEK EIGHT - March 22nd - 26th

“Educate and inform the whole mass of the people. They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty.” - Thomas Jefferson

Monday, Mar 22nd
MCA SCIENCE TESTING w/ Mr. Honkomp (No Geo)

Tuesday, Mar 23rd
MCA SCIENCE TESTING w/ Mr. Honkomp (No Geo)

Wednesday, Mar 24th
1) Galapagos Islands Mini-Unit (in LA Activity Packet…4 pages)
2) Animal Coloring Pages/Island Mapping
3) Galapagos Islands Slideshow for Mapping/Animals
3) Galapagos Islands Video w/ worksheet
4) Reminder - LA Political Maps due and Test TOMORROW

Thursday, Mar 25th
1) Latin America Political Maps Due
2) LA Political Map Test (Countries and Capitals)
3) Latin America Physical Maps Handed Out
4) LA Physical Map Work Time in Class
Note: for LA Pol Test…note the “Power Countries” List

Friday, Mar 26th - ONLINE LEARNING DAY
1) Finish Up Galapagos Island Animal & Island ID Pages
2) Complete LA Physical Map Link to Online Atlas
3) Physical Maps Due Thursday, April 1st
4) Complete “People of Power” Page in Activity Packet

WEEK NINE - March 29th - April 2nd

“We must all either wear out or rust out, every one of us. My choice is to wear out.” - Theodore Roosevelt

Monday, Mar 29th
1) Amazon Film Journey (in Activity Packet)
2) Study/Prep for River Systems Vocab Quiz
3) Complete Latin America Regions Map in Activity Packet
4) CLICK HERE for River System Vocab Quizlet

Tuesday, Mar 30th
1) LA River System Vocabulary Quiz (10 Words from Activity Packet)
2) Amazon Rainforest Discussion/Notes
3) Land Use Conflict Classroom Activity (in Activity Packet)
4) Land Use Conflict Textbook Chapter Link

Wednesday, Mar 31st
1) Finish Up “Land Use Conflict” Amazon
2) Study/Prep for LA Physical and Greatest Places Test
3) Complete Product/Export Page in Activity Packet

Thursday, April 1st
1) Latin America Physical Maps Due
2) Physical Map and Greatest Places Test
3) Complete “Colombia” Activity Packet Page (basic internet research)

Friday, April 2nd - LAST DAY OF QUARTER 3
1) Latin America Activity Packets Due
2) ALL Late and Missing Work Due in Class
3) Latin America Travel Slides & Stories with Mr. Gilbert
Note: Quarter 3 Late/Missing Work will only be accepted on 3:05 pm April 2nd

WEEK TEN - April 5th - 9th

Commitment is what transforms a promise into reality. - Abraham Lincoln

Monday, April 5th - NO SCHOOL DAY

Tuesday, April 6th - FIRST DAY OF QUARTER #4
EuroVid of the Day - Welcome to Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwyllllantysiliogogogoch
1) Hand out Europe Activity Packet
2) Europe Intro Notes & Discussion
3) Europe Greatest Places Slideshow & Discussion

Wednesday, April 7th
EuroVid of the Day - UK…Great Britain…England?
1) Europe Political Mapping Work Time
2) Link to Europe Online Atlas
3) Europe Political Maps Due and Test next Tuesday
4) Define and Draw Europe Mountain Terms (in Activity Packet)
5) Europe Vocab Quiz Friday!!

Thursday, April 8th
EuroVid of the Day - The British Monarchy Explained
1) Intro “Europe City Tour” Unit Project
2) Europe Study City Lottery (City/Student Assignments)
3) Work Time on Project

Friday, April 9th
1) Europe Mountain Terms Quiz
2) Alps Imax Film

WEEK ELEVEN - April 12th - 16th

Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference - Winston Churchill

Monday, April 12th
EuroVid of the Day - The Day Curious George Escaped Nazi Germany
1) Europe Political Maps Due and Test TOMORROW
2) Europe Power Countries Quizlet
3) Europe Counties and Capitals Quizlet
4) Europe City Tour Work Time (Due Thursday)
5) “Europe City Tour” Unit Project Link
6) Complete “Regions of Europe” Page in Activity Packet

Tuesday, April 13th
EuroVid of the Day - Ride a Wooden Sled down a Swiss Alp
1) Europe Political Maps Due
2) Europe Political Map Test
3) Europe Physical Mapping Work Time
4) Europe Map Central

Wednesday, April 14th
EuroVid of the Day - Exploring Swiss Alps by Cablecar
1) Demography/Population Pyramid Classroom Activity
2) Demography Slideshow
3) Demography/Population Pyramid Pages in Activity Packet
4) Demographic Textbook Page

Thursday, April 15th
Euro Vid of the Day - Battle of the Alpine Horns (Swiss)
1) Europe City Tours Due (send Link to Mr. Gilbert BEFORE class)
2) Complete Demography/Population Pyramid Activity Pages
3) Population Pyramid Website (for activity packet page above)

Friday, April 16th
Euro Vid of the Day - The Swiss Hotel in the side of the Mountain
1) Peer Evaluate “Europe City Tours
2) Peer Evaluations Due by End of Class

WEEK TWELVE - April 19th - 23rd

“We must all either wear out or rust out, every one of us. My choice is to wear out.” - Theodore Roosevelt

Monday, April 19th
EuroVid of the Day - Holland vs. the Netherlands
1) Continue “Peer Reviews” on Europe Walking Tours
2) Population Pyramids (Demography Continued)
3) Peer Reviews Due by 3pm (Schoology)

Tuesday, April 20th
Euro Vid of the Day - The Castle Life
1) Intro European Union Discussion
2) EU Neighborhood Classroom Activity
3) Complete EU Map in Activity Packet
4) EU Textbook Chapter

Wednesday, April 21st
EuroVid of the Day - The European Union Explained
Euro Vid of the Day -
1) European Union Continued
2) Fill out EU Worksheets in Activity Packet
3) Europe Physical Map & Greatest Places Test Tomorrow!
4) Complete “Languages of Europe” Page in Activity Packet

Thursday, April 22nd
EuroVid of the Day - How Lamborghini Began: A Story of Vehicular Vengeance
1) Europe Physical Maps Due
2) Europe Physical Map and Greatest Places Test
3) Europe Activity Packet Work Time (Finish UP)
Note: Europe Activity Packets can be handed in early!

Friday, April 23rd
1) Europe Activity Packets Due in Class
2) Africa Activity Packets Handed Out
3) Africa Intro Notes & Discussion
4) Africa Land Terms (Please Define in Packet)
5) Africa Political Maps Handed out and Work Time
6) Online Africa Atlas & Map Help Center
#1 - Maps Due and Test = Thursday, April 29th
#2 - Land Terms Quiz = Wednesday, April 28th

WEEK Thirteen - April 26th - 30th

The way to develop the best that is in a person is by appreciation and encouragement.
- Charles Schwab

Monday, April 26th
1) Africa Greatest Places Slideshow
2) Intro Africa Mask Project
3) Africa Mask Project Website
4) Africa Political Map Work Time/Test Prep

Tuesday, April 27th
1) The BIG 5 of Africa Quick Discussion
2) The Big 5 of Africa Video
2) Serengeti Imax Film (Video Worksheet in Activity Packet)
3) Mask Project Update…any Ideas or Plans to Share?!

Wednesday, April 28th
1) Africa “Land Terms” Quiz
2) Geography of Africa Podcast (Schoology Assignment)
3) Podcast Link
4) Quick Mask Chat…any idea of what you are doing yet??

Thursday, April 29th

1) Africa Political Maps Due
2) Africa Political Map Test (Power Countries and Capitals)
3) Online Africa Atlas & Map Help Center (includes Quizlet Study Aids)
4) Africa Physical Maps Handed Out

Friday, April 30th - Online Learning Day (NO “In Person” Classes)
Today should be spent rummaging and seeking out materials to build you African Mask…Masks are DUE next week!

WEEK Fourteen - May 3rd - 7th

Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great. - Mark Twain

Monday, May 3rd
1) AfricaTrek Video Adventure
2) AfricaTrek Video Worksheet in Activity Packet
3) Is you Mask Ready to Go?!?

Tuesday, May 4th
1) Understanding Africa Through Disease
2) Disease and Africa Activity Link

Wednesday, May 5th **Note Period 6 is FLIP FLOPPING Wed & Thurs
1) Happy Cinco de Mayo
2) Mask Projects Due in Class
3) Mask “Show & Tell”
4) Africa Mask Project Website

Thursday, May 6th

1) Africa Physical Maps Due in Class
2) Africa Physical Map & Greatest Places Test

Friday, May 7th
1) Mysteries of Egypt Imax Film
2) Africa Activity Packets Due in Class

WEEK FIFTEEN - May 10th - 14th

What is love? Love is playing every game like it's your last. - Micheal Jordan

Monday, May 10th
1) Hand out Asia Activity Packets (if needed download HERE)
2) Asia Intro Notes & Discussion
3) Asia Greatest Places Slideshow
4) Fill out “Asia GP Map” in Activity Packet
4) Asia Packets Due Thursday, May 27th

Tuesday, May 11th
1) Asia Political Map Work Time
2) Asia Online Atlas
2) Define and Fill out “Asia Ocean Terms
3) Asia Ocean Terms Quiz next Monday
4) Intro Asia Stations Unit (Starts Wednesday)

Wednesday, May 12th
1) Arabia Imax Film (video worksheet in Act Packet)
2) Asia Political Map Work Time Continued

Thursday, May 13th -
Asia Stations Link
Asia Stations Activity Time (Visit 3 Stations w/ Group)

Friday, May 14th - ALL DISTANCE DAY (No “in School” class periods)
1) Complete Asia Regions Activity in Activity Packet
2) Complete Asia “People of Power” in Activity Packet

WEEK SIXTEEN- May 17th - 21st

A well-educated mind will always have more questions than answers. - Helen Keller

Monday, May 17th
1) Asia Ocean Terms Quiz
2) World Map & Greatest Places Final Previews
3) Clean out Student Files and Gather Maps
4) Review World Greatest Places & Features
5) Correct Asia Ocean Terms Quiz
CLICK HERE for World Map Final Study Guide
CLICK HERE for Greatest Places Final Quizlet

Tuesday, May 18th - Asia Stations Link
Asia Stations Activity Time (Visit 3 Stations w/ Group)

Wednesday, May 19th
1) Asia Political Maps Due
2) Asia Political Map Test
3) Asia Physical Maps Handed Out (work time)
4) Asia Physical Maps Due Wednesday May 26th

Thursday, May 20th -
Asia Stations Link
Asia Stations Activity Time (Visit 3 Stations w/ Group)

Friday, May 21st -Asia Stations Link
Asia Stations Activity Time (Visit 3 Stations w/ Group)
Note: ALL Completed Asian Stations Materials/Group Packet Due Monday, May 24th

Sunrise over Africa - Mt. Kilimanjaro Summit

The Whole Universe depends on everything fitting together just right...if one piece busts, even the smallest piece...the whole universe gets busted.
— Hushpuppy (Beasts of the Southern Wild)