Quarter ONE B Class Climate
HyBrid Learning for Students L - Z
B Class Climate Basic Schedule
Monday - At Home/Online
Tuesday - In Class
Wednesday - At Home/Online
Thursday - At Home/Online
Friday - In Class
Connect with Mr. Gilbert - cgilbert@isd110.org
Monday - At Home/Online
Tuesday - In Class
Wednesday - At Home/Online
Thursday - At Home/Online
Friday - In Class
Connect with Mr. Gilbert - cgilbert@isd110.org
Week #2: November 16th - 20th
“Climate Control #1 - Latitude”
Mon: Climate Video Day (OUT)
Note: Videos are a preview of this weeks topic on Latitude
Video Clip - How Latitude affects Climate?
Video Clip - Lat & Long Intro
**Google Doc Entry: “Climate Video Reviews” & include a brief description of each video
Tues: Class Discussion (IN)
1) Intro Notes - Latitude as a Climate Control
2) Notes Continued - Latitude & Longitude Basics
3) Hand out…Lat and Long “Crack the Code” Activity Sheet (Due Friday)
4) Hand out…Climate Zone Map for Thursday Work Day (Due Next Tuesday)
**Google Doc Entry: include “Latitude Introduction” & include summary of notes
Wed: Climate Video Day (OUT)
1) Complete “Crack the Code” Activity (Sheet Due Friday)
2) Lat & Long Review Video (NOT Required, but might be nice if you are lost)
3) World Map #1 (to be used with Crack the Code)
4) World Map #2 (to be used with Crack the Code)
**NO Google Doc Entry**
Thur: (OUT) 1) Climate Mapping Project - Climate Zone Map (Koppen Map)
2) Click Here to Download Blank Climate Zone Map for Print
3) Watch Video - Koppen Classification System (Climate Mapping)
4) Note: Climate Zone Map Due NEXT Tuesday in Class
5) Example Climate Zone Maps can be viewed below
**Google Doc Entry: “Climate Video Reviews & include a brief description of Koppen Video
Fri: Climate Walk (IN)
1) Crack the Code Lat & Long Activity Sheet Due
**Google Doc Entry: “Climate Walk” (include ALL Checklist Observations)
CLICK HERE for Climate Walk Observation Checklist
FRIDAY TURN IN…Climate Google Doc Due by Noon (Share this document via email)Send Docs to cgilbert@isd110.org
FYI - Weekly Climate Document = 20pts in Portal
Looking back at the Quarter…
Mon: No Assignment (OUT)
Tues: Class Discussion (IN = In School)
Climate vs. Weather Notes/Discussion
**Google Doc Entry: include “Climate vs. Weather” & include summary of notes
Wed: Climate Video Day (OUT = at Home)
Note: Videos are a review of our Climate vs. Discussion!
Video - Crash Course in Climate vs. Weather
Video - Dog vs Man
Video - The Geography of Climate
**Google Doc Entry: “Climate Video Reviews” & include a brief description of each video
Thur: Class Notes (OUT)
Notes: The 6 Climate Controls - please read through the details of this set of Discussion Notes on your own…please give a brief summary of these notes in your weekly Climate Google Doc. The information within this slideshow is an introduction of the weeks ahead. FYI - we will have a week dedicated to Each of the 6 Climate Controls. (Get to know em)
**Google Doc Entry: include “6 Climate Controls” & include summary of notes
Fri: Climate Walk (IN)
Friday’s in B Day Climatology will be CLIMATE WALKS…it is simply a one mile walk outside to observe the changing seasons throughout the quarter. AND we live in Minnesota, so quite a bit goes on throughout our changing seasonal landscape.
**Google Doc Entry: “Climate Walk” (include ALL Checklist Observations)
CLICK HERE for Climate Walk Observation Checklist
FRIDAY TURN IN…Climate Google Doc Due by Noon (Share this document via email)
Send Docs to cgilbert@isd110.org
FYI - Weekly Climate Document = 20pts in Portal