Quarter ONE B Class Climate

HyBrid Learning for Students L - Z

B Class Climate Basic Schedule

Monday - At Home/Online
Tuesday - In Class
Wednesday - At Home/Online
Thursday - At Home/Online
Friday - In Class

Connect with Mr. Gilbert - cgilbert@isd110.org

Week #9: November 2nd - 6th

Climate Control #6 -
“Nearness to a Large Body of Water”

Mon: (OUT)
Climate Video of Week - Specific Heat Video
Note: Video discusses the technological side of how/why Specific Heat Works with Climate
**Google Doc Entry: “Specific Heat Video”…please summarize video in your own words

Tues: (IN)
1) Nearness to a Large Body of Water Discussion/Notes - Climate Control #6
2) Remember…this is the LAST Week of the Quarter! (and last week of Climate)
**Google Doc Entry: include “Ocean Current” summary of notes

Wed: (OUT)
1) Specific Heat Lab …open google doc…make a copy and share with Gilbert upon completion!
2) Desmos Graph Creator CLICK HERE TO ENTER DESMOS
**Google Doc Entry: please include Specific Lab Report with Week #9 Climate Doc

Note: after you have opened (Clicked on) the Specific Heat Lab Document link above = Go to File Menu, Select/Click “Make a Copy”, Rename Doc by adding your name…PLEASE DO NOT answer the lab questions on the document above…it is a shared PUBLIC document! Please share the info on this document on your weekly Climate Google doc for Week #9.

Thur: (OUT)
1) Tomorrow is LAST DAY OF Quarter #1 & Climate Class…ALL Late/Missing Work is due to Mr. Gilbert by 3pm on Friday
2) NO NEW Assignment…please check Portal Grades & prep for END OF QUARTER!

Fri: (IN)
**Google Doc Entry: “Climate Walk” (include ALL Checklist Observations)

CLICK HERE for Climate Walk Observation Checklist

FRIDAY TURN IN…Climate Google Doc Due by Noon (Share this document via email)
Send Docs to cgilbert@isd110.org

FYI - Weekly Climate Document = 20pts in Portal

Look back at past weeks in Climate…

Week #1: Sept 7th - 11th

CLimate Topic - “Climate VS Weather”

Mon: No School Day “Labor Day”

Tues: Class Discussion (IN = In School)
Climate vs. Weather Notes/Discussion
**Google Doc Entry: include “Climate vs. Weather” & include summary of notes

Wed: Climate Video Day (OUT = at Home)
Note: Videos are a review of our Climate vs. Discussion!
Video - Crash Course in Climate vs. Weather
Video - Dog vs Man
Video - The Geography of Climate
**Google Doc Entry: “Climate Video Reviews” & include a brief description of each video

Thur: Class Notes (OUT)
Notes: The 6 Climate Controls - please read through the details of this set of Discussion Notes on your own…please give a brief summary of these notes in your weekly Climate Google Doc. The information within this slideshow is an introduction of the weeks ahead. FYI - we will have a week dedicated to Each of the 6 Climate Controls. (Get to know em)
**Google Doc Entry: include “6 Climate Controls” & include summary of notes

Fri: Climate Walk (IN)
Friday’s in B Day Climatology will be CLIMATE WALKS…it is simply a one mile walk outside to observe the changing seasons throughout the quarter.  AND we live in Minnesota, so quite a bit goes on throughout our changing seasonal landscape.
**Google Doc Entry: “Climate Walk” (include ALL Checklist Observations)

CLICK HERE for Climate Walk Observation Checklist

FRIDAY TURN IN…Climate Google Doc Due by Noon (Share this document via email)
Send Docs to cgilbert@isd110.org

FYI - Weekly Climate Document = 20pts in Portal

Week #2: Sept 14th - 18th

“Climate Control #1 - Latitude”

Mon: Climate Video Day (OUT)
Note: Videos are a preview of this weeks topic on Latitude
Video Clip - How Latitude affects Climate?
Video Clip - Lat & Long Intro
**Google Doc Entry: “Climate Video Reviews” & include a brief description of each video

Tues: Class Discussion (IN)
1) Intro Notes - Latitude as a Climate Control
2) Notes Continued - Latitude & Longitude Basics
3) Hand out…Lat and Long “Crack the Code” Activity Sheet (Due Friday)
4) Hand out…Climate Zone Map for Thursday Work Day (Due Next Tuesday)
**Google Doc Entry: include “Latitude Introduction” & include summary of notes

Wed: Climate Video Day (OUT)
1) Complete “Crack the Code” Activity (Sheet Due Friday)
Lat & Long Review Video (NOT Required, but might be nice if you are lost)
World Map #1 (to be used with Crack the Code)
World Map #2 (to be used with Crack the Code)

**NO Google Doc Entry**

Thur: (OUT) 1) Climate Mapping Project - Climate Zone Map (Koppen Map)
2) Click Here to Download Blank Climate Zone Map for Print
3) Watch Video - Koppen Classification System (Climate Mapping)
4) Note: Climate Zone Map Due NEXT Tuesday in Class
5) Example Climate Zone Maps can be viewed below
**Google Doc Entry: “Climate Video Reviews & include a brief description of Koppen Video

Fri: Climate Walk (IN)
1) Crack the Code Lat & Long Activity Sheet Due
**Google Doc Entry: “Climate Walk” (include ALL Checklist Observations)

CLICK HERE for Climate Walk Observation Checklist

FRIDAY TURN IN…Climate Google Doc Due by Noon (Share this document via email)Send Docs to cgilbert@isd110.org

FYI - Weekly Climate Document = 20pts in Portal

Week #3: Sept 21st - 25th

“Climate Control #2 - ELEVATION”

Mon: Video Clip Review (OUT)
1) Video Clip - Snow Guardian
2) Video Clip #2 - Mountain Weather: A Climbers Story
**Google Doc Entry:  In YOUR OWN WORDS…brief description of both Videos

Tues: (IN)
1) Climate Zone Maps Due in Class (Koppen Maps) *Neatly Colored
2) Eating High Up - Swiss Alp Style! (Fun Video Clip)
2) Intro Climate Control #2 - Elevation Discussion Notes
3) Adiabatic Lab Sheets Handed Out (Basic Explanation of Lab)
**Google Doc Entry:  Elevation Discussion Notes

Wed: (OUT)
1) Complete Adiabatic Lab on Own
2) Remember to read ALL Directions
3) Competed Lab Due on Thursday in Class
4) Adiabatic Rate Basics Explained (not a required video, but will help if stuck on lab)

**Google Doc Entry:  No Entry Needed for Today

Thur: Movie Day (Out)
Breathtaking: K2 - The World’s Most Dangerous Mountain

**Google Doc Entry: while watching the “K2” film answer the following questions and include them in this week’s Doc

K2 Video Questions…
1) How many 8000 meter mountains in the world?
2) What is K2?
3) What is the elevation of K2 in meters and feet?
4) What is “climbing in the death zone” mean?
5) In the climbing world…K2 is considered what?
6) More people have been to outer space than have done what on K2?
7) How many days does it take to hike to the basecamp of K2? (FYI Climb starts at Basecamp)
8) What elevation is K2 Basecamp?
9) Briefly explain the details of why the weather on K2 is so bad.
10) Using the basic calculation for Dry Adiabatic Rate…if it is 32 degree at basecamp…what is the temperature on the summit of K2?

Fri: Climate Walk (IN)
1) Adiabatic Lab Due
**Google Doc Entry: “Climate Walk” (include ALL Checklist Observations)

CLICK HERE for Climate Walk Observation Checklist

FRIDAY TURN IN…Climate Google Doc Due by 3pm (Share this document via email)

Send Docs to cgilbert@isd110.org

FYI - Weekly Climate Document = 20pts in Portal

Week #4 - Sept 28th - Oct 2nd

“Climate Control #3 - TOPOGRAPHY”

Mon: (OUT) Video Day
EVEREST Imax Film (45 min) the ULTIMATE Micro-Climate
**Google Doc Entry:  In YOUR OWN WORDS…brief description of Everest Imax

Tues: (IN)
1) Climate Control #3 - Topography Notes & Discussion
2) Intro - Topography Road Trip Lab
3) Hand out Environment Zone Map (Due Fri)
**Google Doc Entry: include “Topography Notes” summary

Wed: (OUT)
1) Topography Road Trip Lab work Time
2) Share Road Trip Lab Slideshow with Mr. Gilbert by 3pm
**No Google Doc Entry

Thur: (OUT)
1) Environmental Zone Map Work Day (see map Example Below)
2) Completed (Colored) Climate Zone Map Due in Class Friday
**No Google Doc Entry

Fri: Climate Walk (IN)
1) Review Topography Road Trip Lab
2) Environment Zone Map Due in Class
3) CLIMATE WALK Outside!
**Google Doc Entry: “Climate Walk” (include ALL Checklist Observations)

CLICK HERE for Climate Walk Observation Checklist

FRIDAY TURN IN…Climate Google Doc Due by 3pm (Share this document via email)

Send Docs to cgilbert@isd110.org

FYI - Weekly Climate Document = 20pts in Portal


Week #5: Oct 5th - 9th

“Climate WALK WEEK”

Hey Climate Class…dang we have been just BLASTING through the materials the past month and I think we need a BREAK from our typical weekly Climate Grind…so we are going to CHANGE IT UP a bit this week!  Welcome to CLIMATE WALK WEEK (kinda like Shark Week, but less scary)…the weather for the week ahead looks rather interesting, meaning we are going to go through quite a bit of change and FALL COLORS and the GREAT MIGRATION of animals is all around us! Due to this, I am assigning FIVE 20 minute climate walks this week. (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday). Please TRY to take these little jaunts outside at the same time each day, so hopefully you can get into a pattern and start comparing the days a bit!  YES - DON’T WORRY, we will return to our our Climate Controls next week! (nerds)

CLICK HERE to download Climate Walk Week Google Doc

Note: after you have opened (Clicked on) the Climate Week Document link above = Go to File Menu, Select/Click “Make a Copy”, Rename Doc by adding your name & share this completed document with Gilbert at end of week on Friday after your last walk! #BAM

Mon: Climate Walk
Climate Walk & Environmental Zone Map Due
Wed: Climate Walk
Climate Walk
Climate Walk & Climate Walk Week Document Due via Email

Weatherbug Link (for daily temps, wind, etc…)


Climate Walk Week Google Doc Due by 3pm (Share this document via email)

Send Docs to cgilbert@isd110.org

FYI - Weekly Climate Document = 20pts in Portal

You may have noticed that I always type CLIMATE WALK WEEK in all Capital Letters…because in your mind, when you read it, I want you to read it like the guy in THIS COMMERCIAL!!!

Week #6: oct 12th - 16th

“Climate - Make up Week”

Mon: (OUT)
Make-Up Day…do you have ANY labs, Weekly Climate Documents, Maps…ANYTHING missing in Portal? PLEASE use this “free” day to review your grades and take a bit of time to finish anything that needs attention! I am a STRONG believer in School Breaks and NOT assigning projects or work over a break from school, so if you have EVERYTHING turned in…Sweet take it easy and we will see you next week. ENJOY MEA

Tues: (IN)
1) Seasons Imax Film (no Video Worksheet)
2) Review Portal Grades…do you need any materials from Mr. Gilbert?

Wednesday, Oct 14th - Friday 16th - NO SCHOOL MEA BREAK


WEEK #7: OCT 19TH - 23RD


Mon: Climate Video Day (OUT)
1) Rise of the Super Storm (50 min)
2) CLICK HERE For Rise of Super Storm Video Worksheet
**Google Doc Entry: “Rise of the Super Storm” Video Questions Answered

Note: after you have opened (Clicked on) the Climate Week Document link above = Go to File Menu, Select/Click “Make a Copy”, Rename Doc by adding your name…PLEASE DO NOT answer the video questions on the document above…it is a shared PUBLIC document! Please share the info on this document on your weekly Climate Google doc for Week #7.

Tues: (IN)
1) 1) “500 Miles to Nowhere” - “fun wind video” (no need to summarize in notes)
2) Intro Climate Control #4: Prevailing Winds Discussion Notes
3) Online Map - Current Prevailing Winds (real time)
4) Hand out…Global Winds Map (Wednesday Activity & Due Thursday)
**Google Doc Entry: “Prevailing Winds Discussion Notes”

Wed: (OUT)
1) Global Winds Map (Be neat and Colorful to see all the details!)
2) Map - World Prevailing Winds Map (Example to be used to create your personal map)
3) Downloadable Blank Global Winds Map

Thur: Climate Video Shorts (OUT)
1) Sculpting the Wind
2) Stop to Smell the Flours
3) Climbing Wind Turbines for a Living
**Google Doc Entry: “Climate Video Shorts” & include a brief description of each of the 3 videos

Fri: (IN)
1) Global Winds Map Due in Class
**Google Doc Entry: “Climate Walk” (include ALL Checklist Observations)

CLICK HERE for Climate Walk Observation Checklist

FRIDAY TURN IN…Climate Google Doc Due by Noon (Share this document via email)

Send Docs to cgilbert@isd110.org

FYI - Weekly Climate Document = 20pts in Portal

Screen Shot 2020-10-18 at 7.08.40 PM.png

Week #8: Oct 26th - 30th

Climate Control #5 - “Ocean Currents”

Mon (OUT) Ocean Current Video Clips
1) Video #1 - National Geographic “Ocean Conveyor Belt/Currents”
2) Video #2 - NOAA “The Motion of the Ocean”
3) Video #3 - NASA “Perpetual Ocean” (as video plays read info in paragraphs below video)
**Google Doc Entry: “Ocean Current Videos”…please summarize all videos in your own words

Tues: (IN)
1) Ocean Currents Notes - Climate Control #6 (include in your Climate Google Doc)
2) Ocean Currents Map Handed Out

Wed: (OUT)
1) Ocean Current Lab (don’t forget to use Ocean Current Notes and basic Google searching to complete entire Lab report)2) CLICK HERE for Ocean Current Lab Link
3) Desmos Graph Creator CLICK HERE TO ENTER DESMOS (you will need this to create graphs for this lab report…include graphs in End of Week Google Report)
**Google Doc Entry: “Ocean Lab Report” attach lab to end of week Climate Doc w/ graphs

Note: after you have opened (Clicked on) the Ocean Current Lab Document link above = Go to File Menu, Select/Click “Make a Copy”, Rename Doc by adding your name…PLEASE DO NOT answer the video questions on the document above…it is a shared PUBLIC document! Please share the info on this document on your weekly Climate Google doc for Week #8.

Thur: (OUT)
1) Ocean Current Mapping Activity (see Surface Currents Map Below)
2) Maps Due TOMORROW as you walk into class!

Fri: (IN)
1) Ocean Currents Map Due in Class
**Google Doc Entry: “Climate Walk” (include ALL Checklist Observations)

CLICK HERE for Climate Walk Observation Checklist

FRIDAY TURN IN…Climate Google Doc Due by Noon (Share this document via email)

Send Docs to cgilbert@isd110.org

FYI - Weekly Climate Document = 20pts in Portal