Basic Asia Stations Unit Instructions…
1) Work in Groups of 2 or 3 students (Group will be assigned a work location within the classroom)
2) Must complete ALL 15 stations in order to maximize your final grade (Unit is worth 150pts)
3) Each completed Station is worth 10 points
4) Station group MUST complete ALL related activities of a station prior to moving on to next choice
5) ALL Completed Station Materials MUST Be handed in to Teacher prior to moving to next station stop
6) Final Grade is 150pts and it is a Formative Group Grade item
Asia Station #1 - ASIAN Atlas Search (20 min)
Asia is a HUGE region with a diverse landscape…this station stop is to help your group familiarize yourselves to the Area. During this station stop you and your group will be Using an atlas to fill out the Asian Word Chart and completing the map. Using the letters from the word “ASIAN” along the left side of the worksheet find a country, city, or Physical feature that starts with each letter. After you have a place for each letter please Locate and Label your places on Asia Map. Note: the Below Map MUST be fully colored and Neatly Labeled to receive FULL Credit for this Station stop!
Station Materials - See Gilbert for ASIAN Word Chart Worksheet
CLICK HERE for Printable Asian Atlas Search Sheet (for at home learners)
Resources Needed:
Online Atlas Search, Google Search and Classroom Printed World Atlases
Asia Station #2 - Podcasting Japan & China (20 min) **Must Complete
China & Japan…2 MAJOR World Super Powers and WE NEED to know MORE! During this station stop you will view 2 video podcasts that give a QUICK introduction to these two important world countries. Please use links below to enter Podcasts & complete packet together as a group.
Station Materials: See Gilbert for Podcasting Activity Sheets
CLICK HERE for Printable Podcasting Worksheet (for at home learners)
Resources Needed:
Click HERE for Geography of Japan Podcast
Click HERE For Geography of China Podcast
Asia Station #3 - East Asia Activity Packet (30 min)
During this station stop you and your group will be using our National Geographic Textbook entitled “East Asia”…please complete/color the Map and fill out the 3 worksheet that relate to 3 of the featured articles within the text. Please read articles/complete packet together as a group.
Station Materials: See Gilbert for a copy of the East Asia Packet
CLICK HERE for Printable East Asia Packet (for at home learners)
Resources Needed:
Classroom “East Asia” NatGeo Textbook
Asia Station #4 - Jerusalem City of Peace (15 min)
The city of Jerusalem…what a place! Always in the news and such an important place in the history of the World. Station Four explores the RELIGIOUS aspect of this Holy City and your group is sure to learn something new on this stop. Please use the “Jerusalem City of Peace” slide presentation linked below to complete this activity.
Station Materials: See Gilbert for City of Jerusalem Worksheet
CLICK HERE for Printable Jerusalem Worksheet (for at home learners)
Resources Needed:
Click HERE for Station #4 Slide Show “Jerusalem - City of Peace”
Asia Station #5 - Fortune Cookies (10 min)
These little bundles of JOY that arrive at the end of an Asian Feast…well where did they come from and do you believe? Believe!?! Do you think the internal message is wisdom or whimsical nothingness? HA…well this is a bit of a “fun” stop within the chaos of the Asia Stations! Reminder…only ONE sheet per group.
Station Materials: See Gilbert for “Fortune Cookie” Activity Sheet
CLICK HERE for Printable Fortune Cookie Worksheet (for at home learners)
Resources Needed:
Click Here for Fortune Cookie Video
Asia Station #6 - Asia Cross Word PUzzles & Activities (20 min)
A little change of pace…some Cross Word Puzzle action for your group during this stop…enjoy!
Station Materials: See Gilbert for Asia Crossword Puzzle Worksheet (large format paper)
CLICK HERE for Printable Asia Crossword Puzzle Sheet (for at home learners)
Resources Needed:
Google, Atlas, your Brain and the Asian Knowledge within it!
CLICK HERE for Printable Asia Crossword Puzzle Sheet
Asia Station #7 - History of Violence in the Middle East (20 min) **Must Complete
What is going on in the Middle East all the time? Why is there always so much violence and disagreement in this area of the world? Station Seven explores Middle East Violence and why it started in the first place! Please note that the crisis in the Middle East is VERY COMPLEX and this station gives only a glimpse of the problem…one could spend a lifetime researching this region trying to figure out a workable solution…hopefully someday our Government Leaders will!! Please use the “Violence in the Middle East” slide presentation linked below to complete this activity.
Station Materials: See Gilbert for “Violence in the Middle East Activity Sheet
CLICK HERE for Printable Violence in the Middle East Activity Sheet (for at home learners)
Resources Needed:
Click HERE for Station #7 Slide Show “Violence in Middle East”
Asia Station #8 - A Deeper Look at Religion (25 min) **Must Complete
For Station #8 we will be taking a MUCH Deeper look into the world of the 3 Religions that GREAT significance throughout the world, but ALL share common ROOTS in the Western Asia region of the Middle East. Please use the “Christianity/Judaism/Islam” slide presentation linked below to complete this activity.
Station Materials: See Gilbert for “Deeper Look at Religion” Activity Sheet”
CLICK HERE for Printable Jerusalem Worksheet (for at home learners)
Station Resources:
Click HERE for Christianity/Judaism/Islam Slideshow
Asia Station #9 - Climbing Mt. Everest(40 min) **Must Complete
29,029ft above sea-level…Mt. Everest is THE HIGHEST place on planet earth! On this stop of the Asia Stations tour, you will be climbing and trying to experience an Everest Climb. Task #1 - using the Geo Alive Text…complete the Climb Everest Activity Worksheet and then Task #2 - Everest Video Review. HAPPY TRAILS
Station Materials: See Gilbert for ALL Everest Materials
CLICK HERE for Printable Climb Everest Worksheet (for at home learners)
CLICK HERE for Printable Everest Video Review (for at home learners)
Resources Needed:
Geo Alive Textbook Chapter 29 - Mount Everest (use link for Climb Everest Worksheets)
Just the “Fun Facts” - Mt. Everest
Nat Geo - “Getting to the Top”
Why is Everest so Tall?
What it Looks (and Feels) like to Summit Mt. Everest
Asia Station #10 - West Asia Activity Packet (30 min)
Once again we will using one of our National Geographic Textbooks…this time we are using the version entitled “West Asia”…please complete/color the Map and fill out the 3 worksheet that relate to 3 of the featured articles within the text. Please read articles/complete packet together as a group.
Station Materials: See Gilbert for West Asia Packet
CLICK HERE for Printable West Asia Packet (for at home learners)
Resources Needed:
Classroom “West Asia” NatGeo Textbook
Asia Station #11 - Country Flags (20 min)
In this station you will be exploring the meaning of the South Korean Flag…like most countries throughout the planet South Korea has created a flag with a deep meaning that represents their country. Task ONE = Please do a bit of internet research on the Korean flag…label and color the Korean Flag provided by Mr. Gilbert. Your second task for this station is to design your own Flag…each group member is in charge of designing an original flag that represents them as a person. Please be VERY specific and fill the flag with symbols & color so it best represents each person…would you be PROUD to fly YOUR flag? Please create your original flags on the printer paper provided…put some thought into this & BE NEAT! Note: All “Personal” flags should be Colorful and a Key Explaining your Flag Symbols should be included on the backside of your Flag! Good Luck.
Station Materials: See Gilbert for Korean Flag Worksheet and Blank White Paper for personal Flag Creation
CLICK HERE for Printable Korean Flag (for at home learners)
Resources Needed:
Google Search/Internet
Blank White Printer Paper (81/2 X 11)
Asia Station #12 - Korean Demography (15 min) **Must Complete
KOREA is everywhere in the NEWS these days, so it is extremely important for all Americans to better understand this area of the globe. No better way to explore/break-down countries than crunching some DEMOGRAPHIC data…you will be comparing/contrasting North Korea, South Korea, and the USA during this quick stop! Please use the CIA Factbook link below to find the country data. Please use the CIA Factbook & complete packet together as a group.
Station Materials: See Gilbert for Korean/USA Demographic Comparison Activity Sheet
CLICK HERE for Printable Korean/USA Demographic Comparison Worksheet (for at home learners)
Resources Needed:
CIA World Factbook Link
Asia Station #13 - Globalization: Case Study McDonalds (15 min) **Must Complete
Station Materials: See Gilbert for McDonalds Activity Sheet
Globalization of McDonalds Activity Sheet (link for at home learners)
Resources Needed:
Globalization Explained (Chocolate) - Video
Brands & Globalization - Video
McDonalds Official Global Website
Wikipedia McDonald’s Country List
McDonalds in China - Video
Geo-Alive Textbook Pages 467 & 468: (displayed below)
Asia Station #14 - EXPLORE India (25 min) **Must Complete
India…now the MOST populated country on the planet, is full of wonderful people, places and features. This station stop will find you exploring some details about this amazing Asian country. Please view the 3 video clips below and answer the questions…AUUMMMM “OMMMM”
Asia Station #15 - Thematic Mapping of Monsoon Region of Asia (20 min) **Must DO
Thematic maps are a key tool in “unlocking” the story of place throughout our planet. During this station stop, your group will be answering questions based on series of themed maps for the Monsoon Region of the Asian Continent. ALL Thematic Map Station Materials are available within the classroom.